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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Except a 401k gets taxed on withdrawals, potentially at a higher tax rate than you were paying when you invested some or even most of it. Also, we can’t invest our whole salary into a 401k, as there’s a hard limit on contributions. Whereas a business never gets taxed on the assets they invested in to offset their profits (except maybe state/local property tax, but then they get to deduct that from federal tax…), plus they get to deduct the depreciation of said asset for years going forward.

  • Stressed. Recently ended a bad relationship, and she won’t acknowledge or accept that it’s over, and my social anxiety is making it really hard to be blunt with her. Also stressing about finding a job - my credentials are enough in demand that I’m not worried about securing one, but it’ll take time and I’m running out of money with bills coming up. My ex-wife is refusing to do what she agreed to have done 6+ months ago (getting her debts out of my name, one of which she’s refusing to even pay for) and I don’t have the mental wherewithal to deal with lawyers and such right now. I’m also staying with my sister because I can’t afford a place of my own yet, and my anxiety has me fretting like I’m majorly inconveniencing her even though rationally I know it’s no big deal to her and she’s happy to help out… And my best friend is going through a shitty time and wants to talk this afternoon, but I feel like I don’t have much emotional capacity left to offer any moral support. And then there’s my daughter. She’s way more resilient than any middle schooler should have to be, but she’s got pretty significant anxiety too and is frustrated with school because none of it is challenging or engaging to her and none of the schools she’s ever attended will offer more than token efforts to attend to gifted students. When I brought up skipping first or second grade, their reactions were so immediately and resolutely negative that you’d think I had requested they start off the school days by sacrificing goats to Satan.

    So, uh, yeah, I guess that’s more than just how my day is going but I feel a little better having written it out. So, thanks for asking.