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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I think the reason is less about “i, an individual, am getting my data harvested” (though certainly still a factor) byt more because China is still very much considered an enemy of the US, and they are not only harvesting americans data in a very invasive way - as in, recording pretty much everything you do on your phone, not just in the app - but an adversarial government now has access to all of that. Additionally, because the chinese “free market” has been effectively neutered in recent years, high chance that the CCP is able to influence TikTok’s algorithm to affect what people see and push propaganda. People should be concerned about it in the same way people should be concerned about russian bot farm, but more so, because there isn’t an audience of millions feeding russian bot farms their personal information.

  • The most effective ways to die sound painful, and even for the “painless” ones, if you fuck it up you either suffer way too long or get slapped with insane medical debt and locked up in a loony bin for a ehile (usa). While I don’t fear death itself or have a strong emotional attachment to the life I’m living right now, my life’s in no way bad, so it’s still an easy choice for me.

  • Dude, same. On top of that, I also struggle with imposter syndrome and a work for a company with a burnout culture, which a recipe for constantly kicking your own ass for not having literally everything done always, so I force myself to try to be “productive” the whole time, which always, ALWAYS backfires, but the guilt from watching everyone else work themselves to death is just too much. I’m hoping to switch to a remote job with a company who values employee wellbeing over “the grind” soon though.

  • I understand that, but it doesn’t mean I need to respect or approve of anybody who does film people in public. Sitting next to a stranger on an otherwise empty bus isn’t illegal either, but that doesn’t mean the person isn’t still a creep for doing it. And I am considering being the subject of a film as different from happening to pass by a camera frame, or being seen by a security camera.

  • It’s crazy how little experts like these think of humanity, or just underestimate our tollerance and adaptability to weird shit. People used to talk about how “if we ever learned UFOs were a real phenomena, there would be global mayhem!” because people’s world views would collapse and they’d riot, or whatever. After getting a few articles the past few years since that first NY Times article, I’ve basically not heard anyone really caring (who didn’t already seem to be into them before, anyway). Hell, we had a legitimate attempt to overthrow our own government, and the large majority of our population just kept on with their lives.

    The same AI experts 10 years ago would have thought the AI we have right now would have caused societal collapse.

  • Literally the only times I’ve heard anybody say anything about it was basically when they first learn about it and giggle for a few minutes, then get on with their lives.

    I think the only way the name could be any sort of issue was if they were explicitly trying to be “family friendly,” which would imply that it’s intended for either christian mothers or advertisers (we all know how the children feel about sex jokes), which, since this is Lemmy and we’re talking about FOSS software, I’m sure I don’t have to explain why that’s a stupid idea.

  • I’ve always wondered why the consensus seems to be that it’s 100% necessary for an economy to continue growing for society to function, but maybe somebody smarter than me can explain it in terms I understand.

    Because for real, if (IF) we could set things up so that everybody has access to food, pottable water, and shelter, then does it really matter if google took losses this quarter? Back when automation was still in its infancy, there was a hope that the human labor requirements would decrease without affecting survivability, so it’s not like what I’m saying is anything new. IF we were able to sustainably grow enough food, sanitize enough water, and build enough houses for everybody, make enough (NON-MONOPOLIZED) medicine for everybody, and just made it available for cheaply or for free, then you’ve successfully decoupled the economy from human survival.

    Of course, the question becomes who would do all this with no profit to be had, which I know is the real crux of the issue, and is realistically not going to happen easily. But, as an idealist view, imagine this: A number of physically strong men and women and a number of scientists, who already have their own needs guaranteed, volunteer their time and expertise to spread the access to food, water, shelter, and healthcare to people in need because they actually just enjoy doing physical labor/ innovating technologies that will help humanity and aren’t just doing what a few suits who’ve never worked in that manner a day in their lives think is necessary to squeeze more money out of investors and poor people in exchange for a paycheck. After those needs are guaranteed, it should be possible to implement a form of capitalism for unnecessary expenditures without getting to the awful state we’re currently in (optional).

    So to answer your question, no, I personally don’t think infinite growth is necessary perse, but our current setup does assume that it will somehow continue growing. As for the societal collapse issue, while our society is FAR larger and more interconnected than anything so far in history, it collapsing wouldn’t be the end of humanity (though on that note I would 100% rather society collapse from lack of labor FAR before I’d want it to collapse because Earth has completely run out of resources, so I guess I’m against your friend in that regard). Sure, there would be massive chaos (especially in population centers), and a lot of people will absolutely suffer and die (seriously, want to make clear I’m not making light of a collapse) but ultimately it still holds that anyone who can maintain access to food, shelter, and potable water (barring any health issues) will survive and eventually create a new society. Hopefully one that isn’t setup stupidly.