• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Somewhere in the world a man has abducted a little girl. Soon he will rape, torture, and kill her. If an atrocity of this kind not occurring at precisely this moment, it will happen in a few hours, or days at most. Such is the confidence we can draw from the statistical laws that govern the lives of six billion human beings. The same statistics also suggest that this girl’s parents believe—at this very moment—that an all-powerful and all-loving God is watching over them and their family. Are they right to believe this? Is it good that they believe this?


    The entirety of atheism is contained in this response. Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply a refusal to deny the obvious.

    – Sam Harris

  • My first 5e DM brought my personal quest to a culmination on a day where I wasn’t there.

    Same guy, I was playing an Arcane Archer while it was still UA. Then the official book came out and he wanted me to switch to the official version, which is perfectly fine and understandable. But in a later campaign when he was a player and someone else was DMing, he was playing a homebrew Gunslinger there was an official version and when the official Gunslinger came out, he tried to convince the DM to let him keep playing his version. On top of that, he kept trying to hide the character rules from the DM.