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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Stable Diffusion loves VRAM. The larger and more complex the images you’re trying to produce, the more it’ll eat.

    My line of thinking is that if you have a slower GPU it’ll generate slower, sure, but if you run out of VRAM it’ll straight up fail and shout at you.

    I’m not an expert in this field though, so grain of salt, YMMV, all that.

  • My players just had a meeting with a dragonborn crime lord. Before they met the boss, they were led in by an elf who was sort of the majordomo for the establishment.

    Two “seasons” ago, the barbarian picked up a little figurine of an elvish soldier made out of pewter. It was absolutely just the product of a random trinkets roll table, and she’s been carrying it ever since.

    She decided that she was convinced that it looked uncannily like the elf who brought them in, and at the end of this tense meeting with someone who, by all accounts, is a dangerous and powerful person in the city, she slides the figurine across the table to him. “I think we both know who this looks like. Give it to them, won’t you?”

    She’s a pretty new player, and I love the kind of non sequitur stuff that she comes up with in RP situations.

  • I love it.

    I was excited about Stable Diffusion in the first place, but it’s really added something to our game, at least for me. My group are generally very visual people, so I employ a lot of splash screens and art inserts in our VTT. In the past I would just find something online with image search that was close enough to what I had in mind and modify it as best I could. I’m a decent compositor and editor, but I can’t draw or paint from scratch worth shit.

    Now I can generate and build a piece of art that depicts exactly what I imagine. The only people who are going to see it are my players, and anyone who looks at my post if I decide to post it on Reddit (or well, Lemmy now).

    I know there’s a lot of uncertainty surrounding the tech right now, but having used it quite a bit I really do believe that human artists are not going to become obsolete. When things settle out I think this tech is going to be a powerful tool for artists to use.