A lesbian transfem that likes technology, Transformers, videogames, and much more :3

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Yeah if your insurance covers HRT then it might be for the best to stick with valerate until you find a pharmacy. Sadly I don’t have any tips for getting it officially. I do DIY so I buy EEn from Otokonoko. If you are here then I assume you would avoid using Reddit lol, but you might have a better chance if you ask in one of their subreddits.

    Honestly I’ve never injected in thighs and find the tummy more reassuring lol, to me I barely feel it there. Ig people sometimes are built different ig

    Regardless, glad I could help :3

  • It’s worth noting that quantity of semen can vary throughout your progress in HRT. In my case I produced little to almost none around the first 4 months but now (6 months) my semen is in much more quantity but more diluted. That seems pretty normal according to what other trans people go through, in fact you might eventually notice more pre-cum. Some say it could be related to cis women’s lubrication and your body trying to replicate that.

    I would incline to say, based on what you say, maybe you are experiencing too little estrogen, but hopefully you are aware that self diagnosing has the problem of confirmation bias and placebo, which is the reason I don’t put them that much weight into them.

    My advice is three things: first, next time you inject make sure you have at least one or two inches of fat between your fingers, if you don’t use another area like your tummy. Probably use 45 degrees especially if you’re on the skinny side; besides, imho I don’t get why people that want SubQ inject in 90 degrees anyways, afaik there are no advantages to it and only risks hitting muscle instead, and IM can hit a blood vessel. Second, if you haven’t had issues before this incident then perhaps you have nothing to worry about but make sure to keep in mind your blood test. Third, if it’s an option for you perhaps consider getting estradiol cypionate, or even better enanthate? Those have a longer half life than valerate so they might make your levels more consistent and you could inject less often (people on cypionate commonly inject weekly, and on enanthate every 10 days or even every two weeks).

  • If it helps, it’s unlikely you hit a vein with SubQ injections, especially if you did it at 45 degree and especially if your needle is short enough and you aren’t hitting the muscle. So it’s a bigger chance you didn’t, and your E is fine, even if you got hurt. If you are with a doctor (or if you are on DIY then the doctor is yourself), talk with them about injecting more often (and maybe a higher dosage) just in case. For some people the ups and downs can cause mood swings and stuff. It’s also important to know mood swings are not reliable as estrogen indicators, since they are influenced by many factors. A better though not completely reliable option is (cw sex and AMAB genital mention)


    check on the semen on your masturbation, and compare a few days after the injection visually to what you produce the day of the injection. It should remain consistent, most but not all people on good E levels produce a kinda transparent, white-ish watery fluid.

    Obviously though, the best way is blood test. But not everyone has that option sadly.

  • This is super anecdotal and obviously does not apply to everyone. But I find interesting that at least a decent chunk of trans people, their pre-HRT levels tend to be outside the normal ranges.

    In my personal case, it’s quite the opposite actually. My T was pretty much the 25% line (18 years old btw) with 422 ng/dl (14.63 nmol/L). So normal range if on the lower side. But my E is 112 pg/ml, which is twice as high as the male range and low-normal female range. And ever since I started on HRT my range has been wacky, with my E being way higher for the dosage I was getting. Granted, my case is sadly currently undiagnosed and it’s certainly not something I have ever heard from another person, but I do hear about stuff like that. Just kinda curious about how common it is.

  • Sure, words can have subjective meaning that can change from person to person and even over time. So two people perhaps don’t completely agree what it means to be a lesbian. But the general idea usually is something that can be agreed upon. But what is the point of arguing against monosexuality in the first place? Because to me it sure sounds a lot like the “you haven’t found the right man” argument. Even if I was attracted to men and was in some kind of denial, like you implied in your first post, it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to date men, simple as that.

    Also I don’t think you argued concretely towards my historic argument? To me it makes it sound like you’re implying women willingly chose to be exclusively lesbians and men, exclusively gay, to fight for wlw and mlm rights. Which i can imagine some did, but certainly not everyone.

  • I really don’t like the idea that mono sexualities are just in denial. As a lesbian, there might be fictional men that I like but on real life, I just would rather not be with any guy. And it’s not like I ever tried looking at a guy to see if I find something attractive about him. But I just don’t. Kinda funny how only men that don’t exist appear attractive to me xD And compare that to women and enbies, where I just love everything: their hair, their soft face, their chest, makeup, their cuteness (and sometimes their hotness xD), the way they talk, the things they are most passionate about, and all the NSFW stuff too :D

    I understand the experience is not universal, it’s perfectly fine if attraction works for you some other way. But when I analyze my attraction it works two way. First, just the sheer association with women and enbies. I don’t have genital preference, I like women with either equipment, but I would never date (or even be attracted to) a trans man, even if they’re pre-everything. Just the mere fact of knowing they’re a man simply turns me off. And the same applies viceversa: if I learn that someone I know is actually a woman, even if they’re presenting male, no hormones, etc. it’s like my mind opens up the possibility to being attracted to them (even if to a lesser extent). Which brings me to my second point, hormones.

    I’ve heard this one from gay men too so I think I’m not alone in this one. When someone is taking E (or T in their case), it’s like everything changes regarding their physiology. Smell, skin, hair texture, shape, to name a few. And smell is a big one to me: manly smell might as well be repellent to me xD, but I know of people attracted to men that it is the entire opposite. And that’s ok! Physiological changes is not something that can’t be ignored for attraction either, after all we really don’t control what makes us tick, our brain is wired to determine what attracts us. I don’t make a conscious decision to find womanly smell attractive, my brain just responds to it positively.

    To clarify, I think most people could be bi/pan, I don’t disagree with that. But I disagree that everyone is bi. Or else, how do you explain that throughout history, gay and lesbian people, rather than going the “easy” route and date the opposite gender, dared to date the same gender despite persecution and potentially death? You would probably say something about how they could’ve been bi but they had a very marked preference, but to that I say, isn’t that gay enough?

  • I’m only 4 months on HRT, but before it I hated looking at old photos of myself. Now I find them…amusing? Like I know they’re me but they don’t feel like me, more like looking at some kind of lost brother xD Either way, even though I’m very early in transition I’m way more happier about how I look now :3