Slavery didn’t stop at the civil war. And ever since, we’ve been made to fight one another.
The rich orchestrating the fighting between us did not start at the civil war. In the US, it goes all the way back to the colonies.
Slavery didn’t stop at the civil war. And ever since, we’ve been made to fight one another.
The rich orchestrating the fighting between us did not start at the civil war. In the US, it goes all the way back to the colonies.
I did…in my mind. I did not upvote. I rarely logged in to comment OR vote.
Not remotely true about anything. I saw this on reddit and was going to comment but they apparently banned me for… what, I have no idea because I mostly lurk and only ever post once in a great while.
Anyway. This is a 16 year old photograph from a story from Middletown, OH. This is a woman, not a man. She was alleged to be intoxicated and chasing children.
Sorry/not sorry to get in the way of a bs made up caption.
Edit: corrected the location.
When it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
The trumpnazis are literally taking signs, symbols, gestures, modus operendi, et al from German nazis. It’s not wrong to label nazis, “Nazi.” If you wish to be pedantic then by all means, trumpnazis would be completely accurate.
100% this.
I think it had been building for years due to ever increasing numbers of people behaving badly behind pseudonyms online but the majority of asshats still maintained the illusion of not being asshats. Trump’s first ascendancy gave all those closet asshats permission to no longer care about maintaining illusions.
This is THE problem. Statements like this. She did the ONLY thing she had to do. The failing was not hers, it was COLLECTIVELY ours. The failing was not making her president. How are people still not getting that no matter what, she was clearly and without doubt the better choice. THAT is what matters. Everyone trying to split hairs and justify her not winning, still doesn’t get it.