What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you put an apostrophe there?!
(ahem, grammar and spelling Nazis are also horrible)
Hey you don’t know, maybe he bought it with his fingers.
So the Chinese government prefers Wang.
Are the programs shown to actually improve anything or does it become a slush fund? Don’t get caught up in the name of something, look into what it actually does (or doesn’t do).
Edit to add: that’s just one avenue, then you have alternate strategies to tackle the same problem
Book an MSF course and learn to ride a motorcycle. It’s a weekend course and a lot of fun even if you don’t plan on buying one. You get a practice bike to learn on (and drop, a bit) and an instructor to get you comfortable riding.
Because an alarming amount of drivers are doing any number of things besides looking out of the windshield and probably missed 3/4 of them.