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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • To be honest, it comes across as bad communication to me. If you mean “some people” or even “some cis people”, then why not say that? The way you say it sounds like all, or almost all cis people don’t understand, which I think is presumptuous and untrue. Pretty much every cis person I know would understand those to be gender affirming care. Just because some people (especially those in power) don’t seem to understand that doesn’t justify making it a generalisation.

    Thats probably not how you meant it, I just want to point out how it comes across to at least some people, which might imply it isn’t the best communication.

  • The way I see it is that Signal’s primary ““mission”” is to provide secure, private communication. Chat control presumably would mean they could not fulfill their mission, so they should rather pull out.

    For Duolingo, their mission to provide easy access language learning is not directly impacted by the rules in Russia. Even if all the employees are against the rules in Russia, Duolingo can still provide language learning in Russia, which they might see as a worthwhile endeavour.

    After all, afaik Duolingo being available is not actually beneficial for the Russian government, as it’s another way for money to leave Russia ( ? I think), and makes it easier for Russians to get a wider worldview.

  • Kacarott@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.mlGentoo bans AI-created contributions
    2 months ago

    But again it wasn’t the team, and it wasn’t " throwing shade" it was one guy, who listed it as one reason against AI. Power consumption is also a valid reason against using gentoo. People are able, and indeed should be aware of potential problems and downside of things, even if they are involved in other things which also has those issues. I am sure most of the gentoo team would readily acknowledge that energy consumption is a downside of gentoo compared to other distros.

  • Kacarott@feddit.detoLinux@lemmy.mlGentoo bans AI-created contributions
    2 months ago

    You really went looking for something to hate on there didn’t you. That is the only sentence in the whole article that even mentions power consumption, all the other arguments both fit and against are for a variety of other topics.

    It seems to be that you are more likely caught up in some kind of movement if one argument from one person is enough for you to label everyone there luddites

  • Sometimes people want to be generally helped, and sometimes people just want an answer to their question. If the answer is “it’s impossible” then that’s a valid answer, but if the answer is “I’m not going to tell you, instead I’m going to assume that what you actually want is me to teach you why you were wrong to ask the question in the first place” then theres a good chance that actually they just wanted an answer, and you deciding for them what they need comes across as patronising.

  • I think the talking down aspect comes from phrases like “you shouldn’t be doing X”, especially when these statements are made as absolutes, rather than contextualised with actual reasons.

    Running GUI programs as root might cause security problems, or it might cause software problems. And while you might find these issues important, others might not.

    In my opinion, saying something like “it’s not a good idea if you care about security” or “doing so might make your PC burst into flames” gives helpful warnings for OP and future readers without talking down to them by making decisions for them what they should and should not do.