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Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • It’s just the sodium citrate. You can order that stuff and make any cheese melt nicely with just a little bit of it thrown in. You don’t have to mix American cheese in to make nice melty cheese. I now make a delicious queso (a decent copy of the one from Moe’s), and another similar recipe but instead of pepper jack and cheddar I use Monterey and cheddar and add rosemary. Spreads great cold on crackers like a Brie would. American cheese would not pair well with either of these.

  • There was once a man named Sam, who lived in a town named Samsville - ironic, I know. Well, Sam was a really good singer, so good that he became famous and began touring the world. On Sam’s tour, he was singing, like any ordinary song, and then, suddenly, he sung a note so perfect it could melt hearts. A member of the audience who happened to be a Father of a church cried out that he knew what that was; a holy note. He explained that a holy note was extremely rare, and could only be sung by the most talented of singers. Now that it was known that Sam was able to sing holy notes, his tours became infinitely times more popular. As he toured the world, Sam sung holy notes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and then his tour was over. After the tour, Sam decided to go back o his home town of Samsville for one last show to the people he knew and loved. He performed the show in their local church which was oddly large, and the mayor of the town attended. About halfway during the performance, Sam sung a note so horrible that it sounded like a cross between a loud metal fork being scraped across a dinner plate and a demon screeching. After he sung this note, Sam burst into flames and melted to the ground in a puddle of human goo. Everyone was so shocked, the whole church was silent. After a moment, the mayor questioned what just happened. The Father of the church looked at the mayor with a sad look and said, “don’t you know mayor… Sam sung Note 7…”

  • I know you didn’t ask about things that could be wrong, but I just want to make sure you have tried everything before you give up. The US healthcare system (and most healthcare systems, really) are not good at diagnosis for uncommon things. You got something that 20% of the world has? They’ve got you. But if you have an oddly presenting issue, there isn’t really a Dr. House to figure it out.

    So I want to make sure you’ve checked the things you can. By the way the lurching going to sleep thing isn’t super uncommon. I twitch dramatically when drifting off to sleep if I have something or someone snuggled up against me, or even if I am on a small couch and my feet touch the ends. Seems like a response to an unfamiliar potential danger the body reacts to.

    Anyways, have you moved in the last few years? Maybe there is mold or a small gas leak.

    Have you tried dramatically changing your diet? It’s possible you picked up some horrible GI bacteria that your immune system attacks its waste or something. You could try high dose probiotics too. Many people with unrelated seeming symptoms like brain fog see improvements, and it’s an area that is totally understudied.

    Did these symptoms start with a covid infection? Long Covid is still very poorly understood and seems to range from post exertion tiredness, to brain fog, and other neurological disorders.

    I assume they drew labs to make sure your blood wasn’t high or low in anything. If not, ask what labs they can draw.

    I feel like it’s even possible your water supply could be contaminated by something, so maybe switch to bottled water for a bit if you have a suspicion your building you live in may have bad pipes.

    I suspect I would die trying all of these things, but if not, and I knew the end was coming, I would seek out and spend as much time as I could doing what was important to me. Before, I would have said hiking the PCT. Now that I am married and have a child I would spend everything I had to make as memorable a trip as I could to spend my last days with them. I might even steal a page from Violet Evergarden and write letters to be delivered to my daughter through various years of her childhood, and of course love letters for my wife.

    Ugh now I’m all sad thinking about this. Hope everything turns out okay for you. There’s always things to try. It’s not over till it’s over.

  • I worked at a pizza shop way back ages ago (early 2000’s), but I think the formula is generally the same. Food costs they would shoot for 33%, labor ended up being around 33%, the rest was overhead for the facility (rent, AC, etc) and profit.

    I think that’s actually a pretty fair amount of profit in that. But that was almost 20 years ago. I feel like the formula is likely similar though.

  • I will try. This comes up frequently these days with my Trumper friend, so this could be valuable to discuss here.

    I think it would be fine for them to compete provided we can ensure a level playing field. I don’t know what that would entail, but studies should be done to get it figured out. Is it a blood draw for testosterone levels (maybe not… sometimes that’s naturally high for either cis gender)? Maybe estrogen? Maybe it’s number of years post transition, though I see difficulty defining the start.

    Definitely a tough issue since if we get it wrong and be too accepting or not accepting enough, many athletes will suffer. I would love to hear some more ideas and thoughts on this. I’m tired of getting shot down trying to talk to this guy.

  • I think a comment I saw recently makes this make sense.

    A lot of people have told me as you age, you get more conservative. I have not noticed this happen, but I think an entire generation did. Boomers. As they aged they had so many advantages the entire generation acquired things. Things they don’t want to lose because they feel like they earned it. In some ways they did earn it (eg, pursued that promotion, bought that house after “a whole summer of working OT!”)… they just don’t recognize they started on third base and did not in fact hit a home run.

    So if an entire generation can be as awful as they are, I think it must be a general glitch in human psychology. As long as you FEEL like you earned something, you will fight to protect it. I think that’s what happens to billionaires. And aging republicans. There will always be exceptions, but I think in general humans will just tend to be this way.

  • The point he was making was that it likely did. Imagine you are a leader and your uneducated peasants keep dying from stupid practices with meat. You tell them your scholars have discovered that pork must be cooked longer to be safe. They tell you they’ve always eaten it that way and it’s too dry when overcooked. So they eating rare pork and keep dying. So instead you write that God says not to eat that meat. Boom, problem solved.