2015 grand caravan. Great family car, two reason it’s not a Honda or Toyota, 10 000$ price difference at the time that my low mileage does not justify but the main point is the stow and go. It turn the family car into a light cargo in seconds.
2015 grand caravan. Great family car, two reason it’s not a Honda or Toyota, 10 000$ price difference at the time that my low mileage does not justify but the main point is the stow and go. It turn the family car into a light cargo in seconds.
Is there a law against hospital and insurance shareholder being the same people?
25% tarrifs sure will stop American corporations.
Americans would be better off under Canadian rule.
Godd luck Syrian’s, that war has been going on for way too long. Hopefully they get some peace.
Your Highness. It definitely is a bad movie, yet I enjoy it. I admit the lake bath scene is part of the enjoys a able aspect. But even if it was not there, the movie is actually a good dungeons and dragons film. It’s not marketed as such, but for sure that’s a d&d session . Only thing missing iso opening with a young fighter clearing rats in an tavern Cellars.
I didn’t know that guy until I watched that movie. I didn’t know a movie could be so bad. That was beyond lack of talent. It was sabotage, make it bad on purpose.
They need to be able to ask you a question anytime right away. Most questions are about the weather. Sometime it will be : I dropped this very delicate part then stepped on it, do I need to report it?
Are there really people trusting that ceasefire with their lives?
You are not a fan of happy thought I see. I ll have to fall back to nihilism.
Exactly, wouldn’t that be ironic that the tarrifs paid by American customers, lower the prices elsewhere. I don’t have much hope, but that’s a happy thought.
I doubt it will work that way, but there is hope that the tarrifs in the USA cuts demand enough for the rest of the world to see prices going down. As not an American, that would be nice.
Nowadays cubicle are a luxury. Open floor space is the new hell. We got extra bonus torture at my place, putting office desks right on the fucking factory floor.
I want a rematch between space laser Blondie and theatre sex fiend. No reason for the train wreck not to be entertaining. It would also insure the presidency remain in crazy hands no matter what happen.
I seem to have lost the plot of this post. Phillipines are again giving USA a run for their money on the crazy scale.
That’s what season 4 of the boys is about. Who’s third for power grab?
Thank you, I should have verified before commenting. It’s still the feeling I get, that Hamas leadership is way less named than Netanyahu. If at least in the headlines.
That is no accident. The propaganda machine is perfectly tuned. Even where it appear crude and let us believe that we see through it.
One thing, why are the Hamas officials never named, and we never get their reaction? I’d really like I to be able to despise both side of that shit medal evenly.
You know how kids with thousand of Disney and outcast movies available at all time, will watch Frozen on a loop anyway? Old people are the same with amazing stories, they pick a favorite one and stick to it.