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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I hate the fact that none of the big names support CalDAV natively. DAVx5 is cool and all, but app developers really need to step up their shit and support CalDAV already. Not just Microsoft Exchange and Google Calendar but CalDAV as well. It’s not like they need to rebuild their apps from scratch.

    At this point you might just be better served using a web app instead of a native mobile app. Maybe K-9 Mail transformation into Thunderbird Mobile might bring some good news, but I’m not holding high hopes.

    Maybe we should, under the EU’s DMA, force anyone that bundles a calendar/note app with their phone OS to support CalDAV as well as any proprietary protocol of their choice.

  • Nice job! Lighting looks really good!

    Some friendly advice for improving the render quality even further: Be mindful of your UV’s and seams. Especially wood grain is particularly tricky to do well. This particular render works well when glancing at a distance, but it starts to fall apart when you zoom in on the details.

    You did a really good job of faking the wool like material for the seat. I know from experience rendering fuzzy cloth materials that there isn’t an easy way to make them from scratch. Especially felt and wool are a bitch to make realistic shaders for. If you want realism for those, you have to simulate the actual material to some degree, which means diving into the rabbit hole that is geometry nodes.

    For the floor and the wall materials: Imperfections are your best friend when aiming for realism. Mixing in different texture maps to add subtle stains, dust, rust, scratches and other kinds of damage can really help sell the illusion of real concrete or plaster. And while not really relevant when mimicking a near-perfect photo, adding subtle fingerprints, specks of dust/lint or stains to a reflective surface sometimes makes for a better render.

    But most important of all: Remember that rendering things is always more art than science. There are multiple ways to achieve different effects and learning all the tricks by experimenting is going to really up your game. Keep going!

  • I work in IT, and different definitions of what SaaS means are starting to wreak real havoc on the architecture as a whole.

    We are better served just quitting the acronyms and taking the time to talk about a more detailed description of what the service actually adds in terms of value.

    Amazon Prime is a subscription for shipping, video streaming, gaming benefits and more. Since software is not the primary goal, but a means of delivery for these other services, I will not consider Amazon Prime SaaS.

  • So your system knows the exact situation and still is slowing down my bike, just at the moment I need to accelerate to avoid being overrun by that large truck heading into me.

    After reading the article, it seems like the system is supposed to temporarily jam pedal assist, turning your ebike into a regular bike. And the system would need to be installed in all street legal ebikes for that to happen. Since you’re still free to accelerate by pedaling like a normal bike user, that significantly reduces the amount of situations where the pedal assist would actually save you. If you can’t avoid collision by pedaling harder, you probably had no chance in the first place.

    Considering most of the inner city’s roads now have a 30 km/h speed limit for cars, collision safety is probably even less of a concern now.

    I do share the concern of others in the comments that such a system would probably be broken on day one, and you have a bunch of script kiddies with flipper zeros running around bricking ebikes.

    The only way for that not to happen is to use proper encryption for any wireless signals being used to control this system. Considering the Dutch governmental reputation for IT failures, this is probably not going to go well.

  • Yeah I believe this to be a fallacy. If all your contacts use WhatsApp, they still haven’t grasped the concept of installing two applications side-by-side. Or they don’t fully understand why people are using signal over WhatsApp. If you fail both of those, congratulations, you’ve failed to be a self-aware tech user and you’re now demoted to a braindead consumer.

    I know, mind blowing right? Point is, society in general should not accept others forcing you to keep the WhatsApp monopoly in tact, which is exactly what’s happening here.

    It will take some time but eventually adoption will spread, even among your contacts. It’s just a matter of critical mass, and there are some pretty compelling features within Signal that make it a worthy replacement.

  • Mainly out of genuine interest: Do you apply specific criteria when selecting which countries to host free servers in? (That you’re willing to share, obviously)

    I imagine it might not always be a case of evidence of prior cases of politically motivated interference. Some countries may face concerns about possibly starting that trend due to current leadership. In which case, what signals would you look for? (Again, only if willing to share)

  • For this to become a serious issue a couple of conditions need to be met:

    • there has to be enough second hand supply to meet demand and keep prices low.
    • …which means lots of people need to circulate their games.
    • …which means they didn’t like your game enough to want to keep it in their collection for replayability
    • …which means you made an unremarkable game

    Now, given the fact that I have full confidence in your ability to create something worthwhile (because you would do so from passion), this cycle will likely be broken at some point.

    There’s also the other option where people will circulate their second hand games with the knowledge they’ll be able to buy back another copy somewhere down the road.

    But yes, you’re right that this will bring a new factor to the gaming industry that everyone has to take into account. Keep in mind that your financial security in the indie gaming sector is fully dependant on wether you develop something worthwhile. You are in no way entitled to be able to make a living from publishing games regardless of their quality. Which is the beauty of the indie games segment: the more love and care you put into your game, the bigger the chances are that it’ll be a success.

  • That’s exactly how to get better at Blender. Fuck around and find out (how to do things).

    Depending on your specs, and what you’re trying to learn next, dive into simulations, geometry nodes or basic rigging/animation. You’ll have tons of rabbit holes to dive into.

    I also suggest looking into Ian Hubert’s Lazy Blender Tutorials, they’re all 1 minute videos giving you hints about the workflow from idea to rendered scene. Great for practise without blatantly copying all steps from a video.

    Oh and grab some free textures from Quixel, Poliigon or Polyhaven. Procedural textures are cool and all but there’s nothing like photoscanned textures if you’re looking for realism without spending too much time hand-crafting shaders.

  • Not sure how I should feel about that. It’s highly likely any party engaged in tracking activities will try to grab as much data as they can. So a non-Google device seems like it would be doing twice the amount of data collection.

    But considering Google also controls the hardware design of the Pixel, it wouldn’t surprise me if they have some additional tricks up their sleeve.

    What we really need is a full open-source phone, including firmware. Maybe we’ll get there one day.

  • That was awesome, thanks for sharing.

    I fully get what you’re saying and I think I know a thing or two about how lifestyle branding consumes people’s lives to the point where they’re fully absorbed.

    Social media platforms seem to be by far the worst offenders of stimulating this kind of addiction (let’s just name it for what it is).

    Coming from a background of designing products, as opposed to selling them I tend to be focused on product representation, rather than selling an idea. Which is not actually the route to making stupid amounts of money.

    You’ve convinced me that marketing is definitely part of the problem. Here in the Netherlands they’ve recently (about two years ago) relaxed some legislation on online gambling (gambling itself is legal, just the ads weren’t) and since we’ve seen a surge of ads on television and social media featuring sports icons and influencers. The result has been a giant increase in profits, which directly corelates to figures of increased debt, prevalent mostly in young adults. I firmly believe this is toxic and needs to be fixed asap.

    If you do decide to host a Q&A I’ll be sure to have a look for more cool insights.

  • Interesting take, mind if I dig a little deeper?

    The key part of Apple’s success is that they make idiotproof devices for people who want something to “just work” (insert linux desktop memes here). The way I’ve come to understand it in the last couple years (having relatives who’ve drank the cool-aid and are starting to spot the cracks in the facade), is that they have been pulled in by values way up high in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. They are locked into the ecosystem, believing that their current solution is somehow ideal and they seem most of all afraid that anything else will completely turn their world upside down. The weird part is that Apple manages somehow to convince people they are the only ones capable of providing an experience that will cover those needs.

    The thing is: Being convinced that there is no greener grass elsewhere puts up a barrier to entry into the unknown. I really do wonder if the solution there is cracking down on marketing, as it would require broad sweeping legislation that would likely defeat the purpose.

    Sure, companies will put forth the occasional blatant lie, misrepresenting their product, but oftentimes the heavy lifting is done by the established brand image. I would not know where to begin preventing such an image from forming in the first place without community pushback.

    And that is where my original point comes in: If we push back by ridiculing the userbase we’ll have a culture war on our hands. The trick is to be smarter than that and actually show them that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Every time the consumer gets fucked over by corporate greed, it is because we’ve let it happen by accepting the slippery slope brought upon us. (Publicly traded) companies will only listen to financial consequences from their actions, which means we have the power to stop their bullshit by not buying into it. Doing so requires a large enough group of people to start spending money elsewhere.

    Problem is: The current market is affected by Apple’s shenanigans (though examples of the same pattern are also found in other industries). Which means other manufacturers are copying all the anti-consumer design decisions and you’re not left with much of a choice.

    This is where legislation comes in. By providing basic consumer protections like in the proposed right to repair bills, we can at least be sure to have the option of choosing our own repair provider.

    Though I’m curious if there is an additional angle we need to explore as consumers. Having said all the above, would you still disagree that educating our peers in a respectful manner will lead to people changing their behaviour, and if so, why?