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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2024


  • Nothing generates more than nuclear (like it’s not even comparable), it has basically zero emissions and there are countries like Finland who’ll happily let you burry it there, tho you ofc don’t need to go that far away. You don’t need to dispose it nearly as often as coal ash, so it being in another country ain’t really that big of a deal.

    Ofc solar is also a great option, because of the versatility, sadly German seems to really fucking love wind.

  • Looks like I’m a bit behind on the latest news, I mean in 2015 it (basically) alone was still half of their energy production. That’s quite the explosion, too bad it’s largely wind power and…biomass??? Right it’s “renewable©® (in theory)”, not “sustainable right now or benefitial to the current situation”. Same to the natural gass growth, guess it’s better than coal, but come on… And to my original point, in your graph we can see a negative corelation between coal+lignite over nuclear at a few ranges (when they shut down nuclear over fucking coal), roughly starting after 2005. Also wow, they actually fucking killed nuclear last year… JESUS…

  • I honestly don’t get it. Recently read a manga and they ACTUALLY WORE THEIR BLOODY HELMETS DURING BATTLE! It was glorious! Occasional a stray bullet destroys the helmet sadly…but for a large chunk of it all, they actually fucking wear them! You could still tell who is who by body proportions, dialog and context so that wasn’t really an issue. Also it’s hella dramatic to take off the helmet after battle or when trying to negotiate with someone. It just makes soo much more sense!

  • Doesn’t change the fact that I’d need a specific device to login, still can’t do anything from my isolated work computer. If I was carrying my personal laptop around with me, I wouldn’t have this issue to begin with, I’d just message from there.

    Makes me wish something like a literal USB key existed. Altho for now I’ll probably just not use 2FA on my email, and use an alias instead for protection.

  • 2FA: Literally my case here, too bad my email also had 2FA pointed towards my phone.

    And I don’t have my personal password manager on my work computer. Not to mention it wouldn’t save me from this 2FA chain that makes me phone the only valid key.

    The moral of the story is ofc don’t use Gmail or stuff that only trusts your bloody phone.

  • Ey! I studied there for 2 years, awesome corner of the world :)

    200/month that’s 2400/year, now to me that sounds insane… That’s twice my car expenses and even that’s like double of what I pay for transit and food.

    Here in Prague a yearly public transit ticket is 3650kč which is actually closer to 160$ (my bad) or roughly 150€ a year. Either way it’s an order of magnitude less and then some. The kind of money I’ll happily just throw out there. And inside Prague it is most definitely faster than by car. I dread driving here.

    In rural areas the story is a little different, 9385kč (~380€) a year including Prague and the surrounding area, so I can visit my ma. I used to have this pass before my car. Still MUCH cheaper, but I admit, it’s like twice as slow to go by rural busses compared to driving your own car.

    Sadly don’t know the transit pass prices in the Netherlands, cus I just biked everywhere (didn’t have a car as a student and sure as hell wasn’t gonna pay more than I had to at the time). But it’s hard to imagine they’d be much more expensive.

  • A bit unrelated, but where I live the price of car school doubled in the past few years. It’s the reason my girlfriend still hasn’t started driving school yet. I could see that as an important factor. If I had to get my driving license for the current price, I might also reconsider. Cars are generally ludicrously expensive compared to everything else. Here you could pay roughly (converted) 120 bucks a year for public transit, or pay 80 monthly AT LEAST to drive (just gass and ensurance).

  • Sounds like the kind of work my analyst does. I guess he’s technically part of the development team, so sure??? Our 3 client mediators are totally taking over. Also pretty sure we’re the only IT department that even has such a thing. The only other person in our IT branch to be mainly doing calls and such is the top head of IT, every other IT boss still has a lot of technical work around their necks. So at least at my job “close to 100%” is an absolute farcry.

    It’s a very similar story at my girlfriend’s work place. Except they don’t even have analysts.