[She/They] A quiet, nerdy arctic fox who never knows what to put in the Bio section.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I am plural myself and have been since at least as far back as my early teens. Many of the people I know are also plural, at least one of whom has full-blown DID. I speak of these things from direct experience. It has nothing to do with government psyops or alien experimentation, and it was the Evangelical Christians who abused me, not the mysterious black-robed Satanists they kept making up stories about.

  • I suggest you read up on dissociative disorders. “Multiple personalities” is absolutely a thing, it just doesn’t match the sensationalized portrayals found in popular media. These disorders (and non-pathological plurality as well) can feature “repressed memories” in the sense that members of a system may not have access to memories that are held by other members. In fact, the experience of “lost time” is a common indicator of plurality.

    The fact that memories can be falsely implanted, and often were during a particular period of media-induced mass panic, is not proof that memories can’t also be repressed.

  • That gay and trans people are all disgusting perverts who hate me and want to destroy everything good. My queer friends provide more emotional support in a day than I ever got from my family, the church, or anyone else inside the Evangelical bubble I was raised in.

    That people in “The World” (those outside the church) are all evil or unknowingly controlled by Satan and will always try to hurt me. Textbook cult programming from the people who were emotionally abusing me.

    That God is speaking directly to me through a voice in my head, except when that voice says I’m a girl, then it’s actually a demon or something. (It was likely undiagnosed DID as a result of childhood emotional neglect and repressed gender dysphoria.)

    That scientists are all part of a massive satanic conspiracy to trick people into leaving the church.

    Dungeons & Dragons being a satanic conspiracy. Satanic Panic stuff in general.

    Lots of anti-evolution propaganda that turned out to be misrepresentations of science or complete fabrications.

    That they actually believed in all that stuff Jesus said about loving thy neighbor, helping the poor and the sick, and being kind to immigrants, instead of spending their whole lives voting to hurt all of those people as much as possible.

  • My oven uses some weird “eco-friendly” self-cleaning process that involves pouring water into it and steaming the dirt off, which doesn’t sound like it would be good for the pan. Got any alternatives? I found a Griswold at the thrift store a few years back and I’d like to be able to restore it without damaging it.