Never underestimate the level of stupidity of people.
Never underestimate the level of stupidity of people.
Even with winter tires they suck.
Couple of claims by a dealership and their insurance will get cancelled.
More workers for “Made in America”
The answer is to stop visiting the US.
Already banned from lemmy.ca with a 7hr old account. That didn’t take long.
Well, they are “anti woke”
What a load of crap that is. Did Putin write it himself?
Don’t recommend buying anything from the US. Canada may be cancelling our F-35 orders.
They mean no stopovers in US.
This visit is a great political move. The US doesn’t want to trade with us? Fine, we will go somewhere else.
Even Mother Nature hates the US.
We are not here to fix your mess.
The whole world should voluntarily ban travel to the US. They want to be isolationist, let’s give them what they want.
Rest of the world: “No”
It was a purely political move. It was a single case of naturally occurring BSE which happens in 1 in 1M cattle and is not dangerous to humans.
Stupid colourful snowmen.