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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Really depends on what you’re into, I quite enjoy H3vr and Blade & Sorcery although neither of these titles are story driven, more sandbox style games. Into The Radius is supposed to be good although I haven’t played it. I’d reccomend looking up Habbie on YouTube. Very wholesome creator that covers a lot of VR gems.

  • Why can’t it be both? Especially when guns are so interwoven into the culture.

    So it’s not a mass shooting if the person is black and the crime is personal? What led you to come with that criteria? I tend to think “A mass shooting is a violent crime in which an attacker kills or injures multiple individuals simultaneously using a firearm.” is a pretty fair definition. You know “mass” as in several individuals involved and “shooting” as in a firearm was involved. Keep it up with the mental gymnastics though.

  • And in my opinion that’s fine, I can honestly understand the vegan view point, and how frustrating it is to see other living beings being exploited for our gain. There is a difference between what you are describing and people who make every effort to make snotty self righteous remarks every chance they get.

    At that point it isn’t even about the movement anymore, it’s about the individual saying these things to feel morally superior to others. They are not helping by reminding their friend that is eating an ice cream that the cow was kidnapped and raped unprompted. They gain nothing by doing that except boosting their own ego and likely making their friend unwilling to hear their view point in the future.