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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • Every movement with a gun sounds like there’s a loose screw in it (it always clicks). Also it usually has a clip of 300+ bullets.

    Every mouse or keyboard input into a computer, every loading bar, every screen popping up makes screaching sounds. Except when having a failing DVD drive or broken hard disk I’ve never heard any computer making these sounds.

    A secret tracking or listening device has a blinking red light and beeps.

    Every car, always with airconditioning, drives with open windows because of the window reflections. Even during rain, extreme heat or highly contagious zombies trying to bite you through the open window.

  • I’ve had it for about 8 years. Those years were a treat. “oh hi! We just created another product which would make your life easier and more safe. We just added it to your prescription for free. Have a nice day!” I started with free email, I started paying when they introduced vpn. They just keep on delivering, year after year, they never disappointed me with any decision they made. I just wish there were more companies like proton: creating the best product they can, for the good of the customer and for society.

  • He said that, and other cases, confirmed suspicions that Assange was still linked to Wikileaks. The president also accused Assange of having installed forbidden “electronic and distortion equipment” and of accessing the embassy’s security files.

    There was also the suspicion that Wikileaks was linked to an anonymous website that said the president’s brother had created an offshore company, and leaked material included private pictures of President Moreno and his family. Mr Moreno denies any wrongdoing.


    His dramatic expulsion from the embassy follows a year of ratcheting tension between Assange and his Ecuadorian hosts, culminating in WikiLeaks publicizing a leak of hundreds of thousands of hacked emails mysteriously stolen from the inboxes of Ecuador’s president and first lady.


  • Assange fled to a consulate in London. After years of annoying everyone in that small building he thought it would be smart to unveil sensitive information on the government of that consulate. So, they kicked him out by letting the British police in, now he’s getting prison time because fuck freedom of press apparently. Snowden fled to Russia. He would have never seen the light of day if they would have cought him. Probably Guantanamo Bay torture for the rest of his life. So their situations are different, I don’t know why that would make a difference to the trust in them.

    Both have a strong moral compass, otherwise they wouldn’t have done what they did.

    I’d rather trust and believe whistleblowers with a very strong moral compass, acting in the interest of the general public, then big tech companies hoarding in our data, breaking copyright and privacy, all for those tasty billions. Those companies only have a moral code towards their own bank account.

  • The one I use for years and years now, something I cannot live without anymore: Directory Opus. You can costumize everything. It works with ftp. Moving files has its own transfer system which is faster then windows. It has one folder tree and 2 folder screens next to eachother, each with tabs. I’ve tried several file browsers, but this one is by far the very best. It took the best from all file browsers and combines them. As options, so you may have a totally different one as to I have, fit to preference.

    Edit: a free alternative is Total Commander. 2 windows, tabs, just no folder tree.

  • Ok so I’m not moving for the coming 10 years for sure, and if I’m moving it probably won’t be Mexico. But the climate change thing is something I worry about. I live in the Netherlands, most parts are below sea level. The dykes are being reinforced, but the plans for now are finished in about 10 years and won’t be high and strong enough in about 5 years, so we need to start to reinforce it even more 5 years before the current plans are being completed. At the same time ground water levels are getting lower, so trees are unable to get water from the ground and die, so the roots will die too and won’t be able to hold the ground together. It’s getting harder and harder pumping drinking water from the ground. Next to that, salt seawater is normally held back in the ground by the ground water, but because it’s level is getting lower while the sea level is rising, salt seawater is making it’s way into the ground, killing more greenery because it’s polluting the groundwater and making it undrinkable. So I may be forced to move, as well as most inhabitants here if this shit continues. 10 to 12 million people forced to relocate due to lack of water AND too much water at the same time. Weird AF.

  • I need to spend that much for basics, like food and a roof over my head. I’m basically a slave, I need to work most of my life without being able to build up anything. No saving, buying a house, etc.

    But I’m aware I live in one of the wealthiest countries, where I do not have to fear anything no matter where I go. I’m aware I’m extremely lucky to have been born here. I’ve seen how life can be different, when I went on deployment to the Middle East and Africa. I’ve been to horrible places and have seen horrible things.

    But life here is extremely expensive. We make more money, but in the end we have nothing left after we payed all the bills to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I don’t have much to lose, as I’m depressed AF, alone as my wife left me, stuck with PTSD from when I was in the military, unable to enjoy life anymore somehow. So a holiday in Mexico where I snort loads of cocain with a bunch of hookers before I get robbed and killed doesn’t sound so bad really.

  • Ha! Jokes on you! I’m poor because I have to spend 1900 euros per month on rent alone so there’s nothing to rob me of. You can’t even rob me of my dignity anymore.

    Jokes aside, I’m aware of the major issues Mexico has. I’ve never been there but I would love to visit as it’s a beautiful country. But I’m too chicken to go due to the high crime rate etc. And tickets are too expensive, I wasn’t joking about having no money because my decent salary is being sucked up completely by rent, taxes, bills, insurances and food.

    But I’m glad Mexico has elected a leader I could only dream of. I hope she can make a change towards better. Or at least, I hope she is what she looks like. I mean, is she really good or only looks like that (like the president of India). At least she looks like Merkel + + +