Lumelore (She/her)

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I don’t think I’ve ever felt that the way a specific emotion manifested was masculine or feminine, but since starting HRT 8 months ago, I do feel a lot more free to express myself. I cry easier and I tend to not get as angry anymore. I’ve gotten significantly more social and I smile more often as well. And overall, I feel like I’m living my own life now and not someone else’s.

    I know I used to repress myself from expressing certain emotions beforehand. Perhaps that’s kinda what you are feeling? Which, starting HRT did help me break down some of the mental barriers I had surrounding those emotions.

  • I honestly wouldn’t trust hormones from Amazon in any form, but I have heard that creams in general have a lower absorption rate.

    If you’re not doing DIY, it’d be best to talk to your doctor about it, since they’ll know the best form and dose of it for you to take and you’d also be able to get it from a pharmacy then too.

    One of my worries about hormones that aren’t from a pharmacy are that since there unfortunately are people out there who don’t like us, they may purposely make products to harm us (which has happened before, I don’t remember the name of that product though) or they may make products that don’t work to scam people who are desperate and trying to DIY.

  • Whenever I get dysphoric thoughts, I counteract them with euphoric thoughts, such as how happy I was when I started HRT or when I changed my name. I take pills and I still have days where I feel dysphoric and shitty although they are getting rarer.

    I do get the dysphoric thoughts too about not being trans and that I’m actually just a man pretending to be a woman, but for me I think that’s part of religious trauma I have from being put in a sex separated catholic school program for most of my childhood. I think that understanding why you have dysphoric thoughts is a key part to figuring out how to conquer them. Society is very cisheteronormative, especially in rural and religious areas, which makes it easy to feel like there is something wrong with us being trans, when really there isn’t.

    Idk how long it takes to work through those feelings of shame, doubt, and anxiety about who I am. I’ve been working at for years and I feel like I’ve made decent progress but sometimes bad old memories resurface and then dysphoria comes and hits me like a truck. I always use my technique of thinking of euphoric memories, which does help, although I don’t know how to make the dysphoric thoughts stop entirely.

    I hope that you feel better soon! Dysphoria sucks ass.

    Edit: I noticed that you recently started HRT and sometimes your brain adjusting to the new hormones can cause depression and such. I had issues like that as well until I reached about 6 months. Before that point I had a few days where I could hardly function and even exercise didn’t help.

  • For me, I was 16, and my Mom noticed that I had done certain things, such as shaving my legs and painting my nails. She brought me into her room and asked me what was going on. I didn’t really feel ready to tell her yet, so I just looked at her in silence. She asked me a million questions and eventually she asked me if I’m trans. I still wasn’t ready yet, but I also didn’t want to lie either, so I didn’t say anything. She asked me again, and I knew she was on to me, so I gave a sheepish little nod. She told me she loved me and gave me a hug, although she did have a bit of prejudice towards me at first, but she gradually became more accepting over time.

    Imo, it is better to come out sooner rather than later. If they have prejudice towards you but still love you, they will come around eventually. I think that because the people around me have gotten to see me progress through my transition, it is helped them to more easily see me as human. Of course, come out when you are ready. It sucks to not be able to come out in the way you want to, and being that I was forced out early, I’m not sure what the experience is like if you come out later. My thoughts are that because humans tend to not like new things, their reaction might be a bit harsher if you come out later.

  • Same. I got suckered into it too when I was around 11 or 12. I was very lonely and spent a lot of time on youtube then. Youtube kept recommending me far-right content despite me never showing interest in it previously and eventually I decided to watch it. I got sucked in deep for a few years. It didn’t help that I live in a rural area, and many of the people I see irl are bigots.

    I’m not proud of myself for get suckered in, but I am very proud of myself for getting out of it. When I was around 14 I started deeply questioning my religion. My parents had me going to a gender separated catholic school about once a week and I absolutely hated it. I started skipping class and this gave me a lot of time to think about things. At this time I parted ways from both religion and conservatism.

    After leaving conservatism, I became a neoliberal, and then gradually moved further left until I became a socialist when I was 15. I also got my first phone and I ended up downloading reddit where I saw egg memes and other queer content for the first time in my life. A year later and my egg cracked. It took my parents a while to come around to it, and I wasn’t able to get HRT until turning 20. I am now almost 8 months on e and I am very excited to try prog soon. :3

    Unfortunately though I still live in a rural area with a bunch of bigots, and I still have no irl friends since it’s mostly just grumpy old farmers where I live. Once I graduate from college I hope to move to the cities and have a much better life.

  • The pills are the cheapest form but they carry a higher risk of blood clots especially as you get older, but you should be fine for now. Always make sure you watch out for symptoms of blood clots and go to the ER immediately if you think you have one. I have been told they are quite painful so you will know if you get one. I’m a broke college student so I am currently using pills too. There are also patches which are the safest method to use, although they are also the most expensive.

    Today is actually exactly 7 months from when I started taking HRT and I can say you have a lot of positive things to look forward too. Also, sometimes your breasts are just going to hurt which is completely fine because it means they are growing, although I happen to find the pain euphoric. Also during the first few months you might have some depression which is also normal, it’s just your brain adjusting to the new hormones, but it will go away eventually.

  • You can totally learn how to girl at 30+ and if you want you can go through the emo and punk phase at 30+ too.

    The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, however the second best time is today.

    Like you said, you are going to feel ‘naked and exposed’ without your masc at first, but give it a little while and that feeling will go away. When I first wore a dress in public I felt that way too. I thought everyone would be staring at me and ostracizing me, but not a single person did that. I know it’s really scary at first, especially if you are all on your own, but just take baby steps and you’ll get there eventually!