Yes, but all the people who could and should have prevented this did nothing. What would you suggest a normal person do?
It’s been decades, but I enjoy not giving them what they want. Unfortunately, management usually caves. If they are nice, I DGAF and will do whatever I can.
People suck and retail isn’t worth getting too worked up about, unless you desperately need the job.
…may cause watery eyes, small penis, or death by fire.
Well, if it can toast your bread perfectly without you having to babysit it, I think it’s a decent use😁
Sounds like a solution in search of a problem. While I use AI occasionally, I don’t want it jammed into everything.
It’s called Stellantis now.
Man, they’re really choking up on that chicken.
Damn, I would be pissed if my car started showing ads. I hope this enshitification doesn’t spread.
There’s no right or wrong, just follow your interests. It’s your life. Relationships are not much of a drain I find, but children are more demanding. There are benefits that can make your life better, if you find the right person to pair up with.
We can hear about the great economy while in the soup line with red hats.
If you can’t beat them, cheat them.
Fentanyl, right. One thing I know is that he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else’s well-being.
Spawn The Album. Such great collabs! https://tidal.com/album/33972202?u
The Horse Whisper https://open.spotify.com/album/5TkEej0XgyiQyWHfXwrE9w
Not what I want for my Canadian brothers and sisters, or Mexican fam either.
Oh, I hope nobody gets ghaddafied.
The more I hear about this Musk fellow, the more I don’t care for him.
If he’s lying about this, I wonder what else he’s lying about. 🤔
Grams wanted her funeral to be celebration of life…a lewd, disgusting, cousin-fucking celebration.