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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • No kids. They’re a huge, life long commitment that you need to be willing to sacrifice everything for. Your happiness, your sanity, your time, your money… everything.

    And I’m not the type of person who wants kids nearly enough to do that.

    Especially when people tell me that I should for reasons like having a caretaker when I’m older. I’m not attached to my parents enough to do that. Why would I expect that of anything I pop out? And what a horrible selfish reason to make a new human that is!

    If the only reason I’d be having a kid is selfish reasons in the distant future that aren’t even a guarantee, then that’s not worth sacrificing myself for right now.

    Nothing against other people who want to be parents, so long as they’re prepared and not doing it as some sort of life insurance or to make a clone of themselves.

  • There are too many damn love songs. 75% of all music does not need to be about love, relationships, and breakups. I stopped listening to radio because all the damn love songs got annoying.

    Can we please have more songs about literally anything else. Weed, flowers, rainy days, animal companions, construction work, types of cars, card games, anything. There’s more in life to sing about than just relationships and/or the lack of them!

    Sincerely, A person whose sexuality is “No” and has no interest in that kind of relationship.

  • I used to use Reddit every day. I just replaced Reddit time with Lemmy and YouTube.

    If YouTube goes down… I’ll live. It’s not a life support thing like income or housing so I’ll just find other things to fill the hole.

    Will it suck? Sure. Will I live? Yep. I’d prefer they put out a reasonably affordable subscription instead of just nuking themselves with ads and more enshittification, but it’s not like life itself depends on YouTube.

    Their current subscription is too pricey. At least last I looked.

    They can get some of my money if they put out a sufficiently lower priced option. I paid for Reddit premium and used none of the features I just liked the site before Steve Huffman decided to be super extra shitty. I’d do the same for YouTube.

  • On the other site I had to leave the asexual spaces because they became oddly sexual. And that made me really uncomfortable in a space I was specifically in for the company of other not sexual people.

    They even got super defensive and called you things like acephobic for pointing out that asexuality and graysexuality are not the same thing and deserve their own spaces so everyone can be comfortable.

    There’s the trauma thing, too. If someone claimed that a person “became” heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual due to trauma, they’d be rightly called out that it doesn’t work that way. And yet the asexual communities started saying that trauma can cause asexuality. No, it doesn’t, it causes trauma. Saying sexual trauma can cause an orientation is not only silly, it’s downright harmful to all because people will be told that trauma is okay and that asexuality can be “cured”. Both are horrible to imply.

    I hope that Lemmy will have a more sane, comfortable asexual community. I’m here cautiously now, watching and hoping it doesn’t become a sexual community using the asexual label as a badge instead of a useful term describing a completely natural orientation alongside Hetero/Homo/Bisexual.

    None of this is at you, OP. Just a bit of a vent and a hope for a better tomorrow.

  • If your keyboard has home/end buttons (right side, towards the top for me) and scroll to top does what it sounds like, you can probably ditch that one.

    Pressing home automatically sends you to the top of the page, pressing end sends you to the bottom.

    I personally got rid of Honey because I got word of it being a data harvester, which makes sense to me since it spammed advertising to YouTube sponsorships despite being a “free” thing… so I honestly didn’t bother looking to far into that I just chucked it and moved on. It wasn’t important enough for me to bother checking how they got the money to advertise through content creators.

    I do use Dark Reader, RES (rip Reddit though. RES gets far less use now but I’m still keeping it), Sponsorblock, Return YouTube Dislike, and uBlock Origin from that list. So obviously I (currently) agree with them.