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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sure, or accept that you participating in that industry will always lead to this stuff.

    What do people want here. In what world do you think you can separate the two things. Monetizing content through ads and marketing and a world where ads and marketing are not capitalized on.

    We all had to stop this decades ago when it was a tiny little part of the internet. You can’t kill it once its tendrils are in every corner its grown into Fafnir

    You all have to get better at listening to the crazy ranting of random strangers with hair triggers and obsess over things you don’t care about. Otherwise the future is bleek

  • I think we should stop applying broken and primitive regulations and laws created before any of this technology and ability was ever even dreamed of. Sorry to say but I don’t want to protect the lowly artist over the ability for people to collaborate and advance our knowledge and understanding forward. I want to see copyright, IP and other laws removed entirely.

    We should have moved more towards the open sharing of all information. We have unnecessarily recreated all the problems of the predigital age and made them worse.

    If it was up to me I would abolish copyright and IP laws. I would make every corner of the internet a place for sharing data and information and anyone putting their work online would need to accept it will be recreated, shared and improved upon. We all should have moved in a different direction then what we have now.

  • We already have laws that protect people when porn is made of them without consent. AI should be a tool that’s as free and open to be used as possible and built upon. Regulation is only going to turn it into a tool for the haves and restrict the have not’s. Of course you’re going to see justifiable reasons just like protecting children made sense during the satanic panics. Abuse happens in daycares across the countries. Satanists do exist. Pen pineapple apple pen.

    Its not like you control these things by making arguments that make no sense. They’re structured to ensure you agree with them especially during the early phase roll out otherwise it would just become something that again never pans out the way we fear. Media is there to generate the fear and arguments to convince us to hobble ourselves.