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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Fuck, Alec Baldwin is such an enormous piece of shit, and this case just shows how much power you have when you have money.

    First he is the producer and star of the film, so he is essentially the most important person on set. In order to make his film, a supposed passion project, he decides to shoot outside LA in an area where production rules are more lax and he hires an inexperienced wrangler to handle weapons so that they can save a buck and push her around. How? By pushing her around and making her do double duty running around handling other prop shit.

    Then they routinely push people out of rehearsal, including the armorer and then run a closed rehearsal without her there where Alec Baldwin picks up a fucking real gun and points it at two people, which he then shoots because of his absolutely criminal degree of negligence, bypassing an entire novels worth of safety rules that exist on set to prevent this very thing.

    Why? To save money. Its worth remembering that on a film set if you can hire someone for less, that guarantees people in higher positions bonuses for cutting down budget costs. When you do other things to cut costs, such as not pay for reasonable accommodation for crew, that gives you a potential bonus. Every single cost cutting and safety dodging system here was so Alec and his sycophants could shoot the movie their way and embezzle more of the budget for themselves. Remember that on the day of the day of the shooting, the entire camera dept walked citing safety concerns, lack of accommodation and cost cutting.

    Only the DOP stayed, and it cost her her fucking life. And ever since the incident I’ve heard nothing but deflection and gaslighting from the Baldwin camp. His PR teams are all over every thread and comment section, happy to explain that a producer “actually has like zero power, they’re in fact the weakest position on a film crew.” Baldwin himself has displayed little to no remorse and fails to take even a modicum of responsibility for running a corner cutting set that caused someone’s fucking death when he broke literally every rule in the book designed to prevent this eventuality.

    Absolutely fucking sickening story that highlights everything wrong withthe film industry and shows how even a supposed leftie like Baldwin is actually little more than. Shot bag producer who runs his sets like a fucking entitled tyrant and faces no discipline for it.

    I used to respect the man and his work, but after this incident I will never watch another Alec Baldwin film again. Guy’s a fucking woman killing loser.

  • 2011 Mac Pro, which was discontinued in 2012, while support for the design was fully discontinued in 2013, when mac decided it would completely change everything and focus on the trash can design.

    I get upgrading and whatever the fuck, but this was supposed to be an upgradeable machine, like a user built pc, but then they just fucking dumped support within 2 years, which should be fucking criminal considering its outrageous price.