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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Of course he does. But a standard house power connection does not deliver the amount of power you need to charge a car.

    So you need to build a charging pole at your house if you want to charge ar home. Which is another investment.

    And if you are in a somewhat remote area and there are not many charging poles around you, you are also very limited in how far and how fast you can travel.

    So there really is no point investing in a charging pole and an EV car if the car is not capable of doing to the same things that a gas car can do.

  • Their job is to represent their clients interest and make sure they get a fair trial. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is one of the most important jobs for a justice system. I for one do not want to be charged for a crime I did not commit, and a good lawyer will turn that charge to shreds.

    Of course they sometimes seem like the bad guys when defending rough criminals but those have the right to a correct and fair process too.

  • The benefit: you no longer have to pay staff or rent for that studio. Take the IP’s, what else of value is there really? The rest is just a burden.

    Most of them are not bought to ensure their future or as an investment. They are bought to take the IP and eliminate a competitor or threat.

    It’s sad, but that’s the problem with big companies with huge wallets. They’ll push people out of a job and won’t loose any sleep over it either.

    At least that is what I think.

  • It could help with long term to define sub goals.

    For example, about what amount of savings you want to have by which date, or set a date when you want to have a clear concise description of what kind of house and location you are looking for.

    At another date you want to be familiar with all the things that involve buying a house, the documents and what not.

    By defining sub goals you keep things real and are able to measure your position towards your goal.

    It’s a valid strategy for dealing with complex and long term stuff.

  • A good employer would listen to your complaint. Then talk to the other guy. But he will not get fired over one incident.

    It may get added to his personal file. If the list of complaints gets to big, some training may follow.

    In my country it is very difficult to fire somebody for something like this. Only after repeated incidents, extra training and multiple chances to improve over a longer period of time would they stand a chance.

    That does however require other people to report those incidents. So go ahead and report it because it clearly makes you very uncomfortable and it is very unprofessional from the other guy.

  • Not sure, but if the windshield shattered there’s probably damage to other parts too. If the bike had side farings those would probably crack too and need to be replaced. If not, the engine could have touched the ground, and replacing once of the sides of your engine isn’t cheap either.

    The handlebars could be damaged, the forks could be out of whack. Everything needs to be checked to make sure it’s still safe to drive.

    800 dollar may not be the damage that was there, but if you take into account the hours the mechanic has to spent checking and fixing the bike, the bill adds up quickly.

    Source: dropped my bike. Around 1200 euro damage. That was not a fun experience.

  • It’s actually a classic programmer move to start over again. I’ve read the book “Clean Code” and it talks about a little bit.

    Appereantly it would not be the first time that the new start turns into the same mess as the old codebase it’s supposed to replace. While starting over can be tempting, refactoring is in my opinion better.

    If you refactor a lot, you start thinking the same way about the new code you write. So any new code you write will probably be better and you’ll be cleaning up the old code too. If you know you have to clean up the mess anyways, better do it right the first time …

    However it is not hard to imagine that some programming languages simply get too old and the application has to be rewritten in a new language to ensure continuity. So I think that happens sometimes.

  • There’s so many distro’s to choose from that can all be productive.

    If the question is this short, my answer is too: Go try at least 10 and then come back to tell us what you liked and what not.

    Without any further information it’s like going into a forest and asking people to point out a tree. Unless you look for some specific tree all will do…

    Edit: Fat fingers

  • I have been stressed out about everything in the past, but I worked through a lot of things.

    The main thing for me is acceptence. I accept whatever comes at me, and I deal with it.

    Missed the bus? I accept that that is the new situation, and then start thinking about how to deal with the consequences. Do I need to inform somebody that I will be later, or do I need to do anything else? Is there a different route I can take?

    And what is also important, I watch myself. I make sure I get enough sleep and I have some time for myself to chill. It helps if you are not tired or burned out. I have been tired and burned out and it makes me far more emotional and unpredictable.

    I accept that I am not in control of a lot of things. But I can always control my response to those things. If somebody is trying to piss me off, I can stay calm and that puts me in control of the situation.

    I also realized that bad moods are contagious. If somebody was in a bad mood around me I would pick it up too. But now I figured, why? I don’t want somebody elses state of mind to control mine. So I accept that they are in a bad mood, and choose to keep my mood going.

    I choose to control myself in all circumstances, no matter how crazy, and it makes me happier and less stressed. I’m still not perfect but I feel a lot better a lot of the time.

    And it’s a great practice for emergency situations too. I’ve been able to solve some things rather quickly just by not panicking and making the right calls to give some things priority over others.

  • Things like that probably require some scripting. You can check if there are ready to go scripts that you can just copy, but most likely you’ll have to program something up yourself. Even if there are scripts to copy, without understanding what they actually do and how they will work with WordPress you will have a hard time using them.

    If you are not proficient in HTML yet, you are probably not ready for this. You’ll need to learn some scripting, insert those scripts on the pages and for that you need a deeper understanding of how everything works.

    Unfortunately this means there is no easy solution here, you’ll have to put in the work to search and learn how to do this or you decide you don’t need it after all.