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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Commodore 64 and two cartridges (Space Invaders and Radar Rat Race) around 1983 I think. No tape drive or floppy at first, so I got used to typing in games from magazines and books until the computer got turned off. This was early, I didn’t know anyone else that had a computer. Eventually we got a tape drive (datassette) and that was when my life took a deroute, but that is a different story for a different day.

    Nokia something, year somewhere 2000-2002, didn’t feel it, but my parents believed that I would answer the phone more if I had a mobile.

  • This has huge potential. What I personally look for in a podcast solution is:

    • Web/desktop player
    • Sync between players (down to seconds)
    • Organize subscribed podcasts with folders/tags
    • Per podcast/folder/tag settings for “automatically add to queue”
    • Some way of dealing with older (backlog) episodes (built-in or via an API)

    For now, I’m using Pocketcasts which pretty much does what I need, except for handling the backlog, which I do with a homemade python-script that adds backlog episodes to my playlist whenever it has less than 4 hours of playtime left, using Pocketcast’s web player REST API. The result is an endless playlist where newly released episodes are played within a few hours and older episodes are sprinkled on with no real need for micro-managing episodes in the playlist.

    It looks like web/desktop players and sync is already in scope, but are there any “advanced” podcast organization features on your roadmap?