Thanks to this moron, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Thanks to this moron, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Wasn’t he going to lower the egg prices? Weren’t they supposed to get tired of winning? Maybe he used the wrong sign in his addition.
This is where skynet starts.
Like, ignoring a trade deal we created? Oh no, that was him. Donnie, if you’re going to attack people, you can’t get upset when they defend themselves. Maybe you should just take your ball and go home?
It’s very simple: human emotion. When something upsets the status quo, people get scared, angry and desperate. They turn to whatever solution they think will fix things.
In the case of nations, that becomes right-wing politics. Many factors in the recent past have caused distress and fear. People are afraid of losing what they have, they don’t like the uncertainty. They lack the education and critical-thinking skills to choose the best course of action, instead they choose the most reassuring course of action.
In 1930s Germany, support for extremist political parties (not just the NSDAP) surged due to the desperate times they were experiencing. Germany underwent a period of hyperinflation, which was followed shortly after by the stock market crash of 1929. They were already in poor shape, both economically and emotionally, due to the punishments meted out by the Versailles treaty.
Things became very bad for the Germans, and they turned to the looneys who offered a solution. A similar scenario is playing out in several countries around the world, especially the US. COVID really upset a lot of people, none more so than the overly emotional and uneducated. They felt attacked and vulnerable, and they were already deluded by years of misinformation. They turn to politicians like Trump, because he appeals directly to their emotions. He makes them feel safe, largely by scapegoating groups who aren’t actually a threat (sound familiar?).
People don’t check if what they’re hearing is true, they care most about having their fears assuaged. This is why we’ve seen a resurgence of right-wing extremism globally.
This is precisely the wrong approach. All it’s going to do is generate sympathy for Elmo. One of the most basic tenets of any resistance is to be sure you don’t make the other side martyrs.
It’s too bad the crazies can’t control themselves, they just harm the cause for the rest of us. I would love to see Tesla collapse, not because it’s a bad product (I love EVs), but because Elmo deserves it. This is not the way to go about it.
To the person responsible: get help, read a few books, maybe you’ll be able to avoid doing exactly the wrong thing from now on. You’re not helping us, you’re helping Tesla.
The first one was, the kid on the roof with a rifle. He was a registered republican. I don’t know about the second one.
You don’t. I honestly doubt that’s the case, but I’ve been completely blindsided before, so that means nothing.
Not so loud about their beliefs when they backfire, eh?
I hope this kid’s parents suffer terribly. This child depended on them to keep it alive, literally the most fundamental part of being a parent, and they failed miserably. It’s the worst form of betrayal: the kind that costs lives. I wonder what Jesus would have to say about that?
We’re gonna need a bigger fist.
He’s not facing ‘criticism over Trump ties’. He’s facing outrage over being a fucking Nazi.
It’s not accidental. When you play Russian roulette and end up shooting yourself, it’s not an accident, it’s an obvious consequence of the choices you made. If the result can reasonably be expected, it’s intentional.
Someone married that guy?!
I think a psychologist would say that if you really can’t find common ground, it’s best to agree not to talk about it.
Indoctrination is highly effective. Your parents were raised in a place where toeing the line is the norm and questioning those in power is traditionally a great way to ensure you disappear. Russians are deeply indoctrinated when compared to western nations because that’s how their society has been set up since 1922. The Soviet leadership ruled by suppressing any dissent, violently and without remorse. Just because the Soviet Union no longer exists, doesn’t mean their ways of doing things disappeared too.
The only way to change them would be to engage in an equally sophisticated program of indoctrination: deprogramming as it’s called. Since you lack the resources of the Soviet Union, it would be a much more difficult task, especially since your parents are now older and their brains are less changeable. They were indoctrinated as children and by a very prolific system. Reversing that now, by yourself, is a tall order.
I’m sorry your parents were failed by their leadership, it’s truly a shame.
Please Ukraine, don’t give that clown what he wants. He’ll just keep extorting other countries.
Why are we talking about how difficult it would be? It’s not acceptable, we don’t want it, and we make the decisions about our nation.
Of course the URL has to appeal to the wannabe driving his lifted pickup truck, it has the word warrior in it. You get all these meatheads with delusions of being some sort of Spartan badass because they took 300 as a documentary.
It’s like watching a bad movie. This insanity is so surreal.
How do we know he wasn’t sitting on her pillow though?