looking at americas voting results, theyre probably right
looking at americas voting results, theyre probably right
oh i see now. thanks.
i dont understand, isnt this graph showing that 2/3 of democrats dont understand how taxes work vs only 1/3 of republicans? wouldnt correct mean that yes, your tax bill goes up?
doesnt mean much, i guarantee you this number would have already been at 60+ before elon did any of his dumb stunts, solely because most people simply cant afford a tesla or are interested in other cars.
wont buy and wouldn’t buy carry very different meanings.
well, lets assume we only count school shootings, the average school having 500+ students, each year there should around be +25.000 people who have witnessed a school shooting. the average age being 40 in america you can increase that number to lets say 1mil people who have witnessed a school shooting, as a gross estimate. yeah 1/15th is gonna be tough to reach even if you added all other mass shootings as i doubt they have 500+ witnesses each time. youre probably right
considering theres an average of 1 school shooting per week and another couple hundred of mass shootings per year in america, it seems quite believable to me, especially since one shooting can have hundreds of witnesses.
you’d think jewish people would know better after all they’ve been through.
maybe hitler was on to something (obvious /s)
Rainworld enjoyers: gulp