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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024

  • Microsoft 365, two custom programs made specifically for the company at which I work and that only run on windows, and steam.

    And before someone jumps in and is like “You can do all that on linux!”, I don’t want to use the web portal for Microsoft 365 because it’s terrible(I mean, 365 is terrible in general but the web portal is worse), I won’t be able to convince my boss to spend like an extra $10K to allow the programs to work on Linux, and yeah steam works on linux but it can be a lot of work to get certain games to run.

  • See, this is what I’m talking about. Being so invested in the type of phone people have that calling people with a different phone “Luddites” seems a tad excessive.

    It is literally the equivalent of an iPhone user being like “Only poor people have android phones.”

    Also, for what it’s worth, I too work in tech and talk to probably hundreds of IT people monthly and the phone type split is pretty even. I only know because a lot of time we’re doing security for their endpoints and we need to know device types for that. But see, much like your evidence, that’s just anecdotal. Neither of us know anything.

    And my goodness, do I hate the whole colored text bubble thing, from both sides. iMessage is convenient because it gives you all the pros of a third party texting app without having to use a third party app. You’re correct that people get pretentious about it, and that’s ridiculous, but what’s easier? Convincing everyone you know to download signal or whatsapp or matrix or whatever or having that built into the text app. I mean, the whole thing is just a larger issue with SMS/MMS being garbage but still. Hopefully, with IOS 18 having RCS support, it will be less of an issue, but that remains to be seen.

    Anyway, as I’ve clearly not demonstrated by consistently replying to randos on the internet, don’t think about it. There are more important things to worry about in this world.

  • I’m glad someone, mostly, got my point. I’m not an Apple fanboy by any means. I’m a “use the right tool for the job you are trying to do” guy. For me, that means using a mac to make music and art, using linux on older machines and for specific purposes, and using windows to game and work. But by golly, people sure do get up in arms about it.

    • be me
    • browsing lemmy
    • see meme about how one phone bad other good
    • get PTSD from having to hear about it for 15 years
    • stupidly go into comments and read more people arguing about which phone good
    • have flashback
    • On the sales floor in 2010
    • A grown man is telling me I need to pull an iPhone 4 from my ass and sell it to him or he’ll burn my house down
    • snap back to reality (moms spaghetti)
    • comment saying everyone should just get over the whole phone thing
    • People argue more and tell me I should let people discuss things
    • flashback to when a grown woman cried and told me I ruined her life because they were out of the specific color of iPhone 5 she wanted while her boyfriend kept literally screaming at her that Android is better and she’s an idiot for getting an iPhone anyway.
    • make a stupid fake greentext comment to heal the pain

    ::rare pepe on the phone picture:::

  • It was more the fact that someone took the time to make a meme about it. Like, go outside. Also, perhaps, I’m a tad jaded since I remember this exact type of thing only it was Blackberry/Android/iPhone/Windows. It was more relevant back in the day when there were marked differences between the all the different mobile OS, but now it’s basically the same thing different ways.

    Also yes, I have several Linux computers that I mostly use as they are older machines so I drop linux on them for various projects or just to make the computer run better for web browsing and other simple tasks. I also have a Mac for making art and music. I primarily use my windows PC because I mostly game and work (using Microsoft 365) on it and that’s the easiest solution. I honestly don’t understand why everybody feels the need to bring up linux constantly around here. If you like linux that’s cool, if it’s relevant to the conversation, that’s cool. But if I’m on a windows related thread asking about a windows issue it is rather annoying for someone to jump in and be like “jUsT uSe LiNuX” every 3 seconds.

    In summation, if people get to complain about how other phone sucks I get to complain about how people complain about other phone sucking is bothersome to me.

  • As a person who has worked in telecom for over 15 years…shhhhhhhhh…

    You like android better? Cool. You like IOS better? Cool. They do essentially the same thing in different ways with different pros and cons. What works best for one person may not be for someone else.

    In 2024 if you’re arguing on the internet (or perhaps worse, in real life) about which phone is better you need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and take an assessment of your priorities.

    Also, because I love downvotes apparently, this also applies to windows/linux/mac OS. Unless I’m on my Mac like “Gee I sure wish this was more open source, if only there was an alternative.” I don’t need you telling me to switch to linux bro.

  • A lot of the time this happens because the illness that the medication is intended to treat is also prevalent in the people who are being treated with said medicine. For example, most antidepressants come with a increased risk in suicide, but that’s primarily (although not entirely in most cases) because a depressed person is more likely to be taking a depression medicine and also more likely to commit suicide.

    [more you know star GIF I’m to lazy to google, but apparently not too lazy to type all this out, which is arguably more work}

  • Four hour guy I had a lot of clerical work to do at work that day and didn’t need to talk on the phone at all so I just kept him going. Would go off on long made up stories related to what he was saying. Told him about my kids and their kids and my deceased wife. They guy told me that my card was used to purchase (among other expensive things) “$3,000 worth of Bitcoin” and I kept being like “what’s a bite coin?” and he COULD. NOT. GET. PAST. me calling it bite coin instead of Bitcoin. He would correct me every time. Then I asked what that was and he told me it was a digital currency and I told him about my coin collection for like 8 minutes before he steered me back on topic. I only told him I was wasting his time because I was done with work.

    I will say, one guy asked if I lived alone and I told him I do now because my wife of 47 years died two months ago and he said “Ahhh…that’s sad…” and hung up on me. So at least that guy wasn’t completely evil.

  • This is a tactic that worked for me, but your mileage may vary. I used to get dozens of spam calls a day on both my work and personal numbers. I did all the things that you’re supposed to do and they just kept coming. I also needed to answer unknown numbers on my work phone so I couldn’t just block them.

    So after a while, I started answering the calls and calling them back when I got silence. I made sure I could talk to a person/scammer as often as possible. In the beginning I would just ask them if they felt good about themselves trying to scam people out of their money. They would generally just hang up but one guy gave this long speech about how if you were that dumb you didn’t deserve that much money and how he was living the American dream (although I did ask him if he was in American at which point he hung up on me). After that, I would just start trying to keep them on the phone as long as possible. My job is such that I can work and talk on the phone at the same time, so I made a word document that had a fake name, birth day, social security number, address, a fake person basically. Then I would put on my “old man” voice and just act stupid to keep them on the phone. I kept one guy on the phone for four hours as I pretended to be too inept to turn on my laptop to give him my IP address. He was quite upset when I told him I knew he was scamming me.

    Anyway, I haven’t gotten a scam call in like 6 months. I think scammers put me on their do not call list. Maybe worth a shot?