I’ll take “bullshit that never happened” for 400, Alex
I’ll take “bullshit that never happened” for 400, Alex
But I feel like lemmy is going to get a huge boost because of the corporate bullshit behind reddit and discord
Ironically posted on lemmy
I think OP might have been talking about that pesky amendment that comes after the free-speech one
I’m a software developer and I know that AI is just the shiny new toy from which everyone uses the buzzword to generate investment revenue.
99% of the crap people use it for us worthless. It’s just a hammer and everything is a nail.
It’s just like “the cloud” was 10 years ago. Now everyone is back-pedaling from that because it didn’t turn out to be the panacea that was promised.
If God were all-powerful, he could create another all-powerful God who could destroy him against his will, thus making him less than all-powerful.
The mere idea of an all-powerful God contains a ton of paradoxes.
Any change in velocity, amirite?
Thomas C. Weiner?
You sure his name isn’t I. C. Weiner?
Yeah… morons just love to hang on the buzz word of the day.
I was told there would be no math
It looks drawn on with a sharpie
The whole industry is a shit show right now with the “AI race”
I don’t want to be a software developer anymore because it’s become a permanent deathmarch toward the next buzzword.
Oh, this is absolutely accurate. The golden Trump statues, the worship, the plagues and war, and famine.
I’m an atheist, but fucked if it doesn’t match the Christian list.
The “terrorists” have won
Germany has the right idea about Nazis. Never again
I stopped reading at “silencer”