Bit-breaker working in cybersecurity/IT. Only languages I know are English and Programming ones.

Sometimes I write things about technology.

If I told you the SHA256 for this sentence starts with 'c, 5, four, a, and a', would you believe me?

  • 14 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2022


  • how do you deal with it?

    By not caring what others think. It’s become way more efficient for me to pay for certain reliable items or services rather than spending my time to learn to and do such. If a service or product saves me time and frustration, ya I’m much happier to pay someone to do it or pay for a known fix. Sometimes that results in me spouting off about how much that was worth to me, and how much I saved (if not in money, at least in sanity).

    Sharing your experiences and thoughts on a commercial product doesn’t make you a shill, or a walking ad. Rather sharing your experience with friends should be seen as a trustworthy review.

  • Beehaw isn’t the only instance of Lemmy, nor the only instance in the Fediverse. Sure, the feature being added to Lemmy now, won’t benefit Beehaw. But it would still benefit others. Refusing to work on the features that Beehaw wants out of spite, will definitely hurt other instances too.

    Not my circus, not my monkeys

  • Rural America sucks for a lot of things, be it entertainment, jobs or ya relationships. Especially bad for any thing LGBTQ relationship wise. A lot of the folks are still ‘closeted’ and so finding others is definitely hard. It’s not as easy as Swipe on Grindr/Tinder and have a date tonight. Relationships, even friendly ones, take a lot more effort and work in RA.

    My advice would be;; stop looking for a relationship. Tell your friend to look for things to do and places to be, situations and projects to enjoy. Put themselves into the situations they can have happiness and fun. The rest will follow. Tell them to find hobbies, be it bowling, gun range, ATVing, etc… something, anything that gets them out and around other people. And then just let it flow from there. Don’t give them advice about finding a partner; give them advice to be in a situation, where they can find a friend or more, later. I get the goal, but it shouldn’t be the sole goal for them. Have fun, do things that involve others. Interact, follow up, and have fun. :) Tell them not to start with the idea of finding a partner or … FWB; but finding something they enjoy doing that involves others around. Being around people and then participating and involving them, will lead to the other goal eventually.

    It will take time and repeated interactions. I think I read before, it takes ~6 or 7 interactions before someone feels friendly with another. So a one off bowling event typically won’t lead to a relationship or a date. Multiples, with the same people around, has a better change. Do things; not people. ;)