• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • And what possible way has Ukraine lost this war?

    Russia’s goal was to topple Ukrainian government and see his complete control over the entire country in 3 days.

    Here we are, 3 years into the war and Russia has lost something like 14,000 vehicles, over half a million casualties, and what have they achieved exactly?

    Besides turtle tank technology of course.

  • EV batteries are actually significantly different than the batteries in your laptop or phone, and are designed to have minimal degradation over many many years of use. The coolant loops also help to moderate the temperature between cells, which eliminates problems of hot spots and the heat stress that a phone battery will experience.

    For instance, my car has over 300 battery cells in it, which results in say a 100 MI Drive will only use each cell draining by about 1/3. The much lower cyclic rate on these cells results in a much longer lifespan, and the battery conditioning using liquid coolant is how they achieve that.

  • Conflating Bellingcat with the CIA is a hilariously bad take.

    “Last year marked the final year of project funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) that provided funding for Russian-language workshops at no cost to journalists and human rights researchers based in Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia and the Caucasus. We continued our project for the Swedish Postcode Lottery (SPL), which among others supported free trainings on ideological extremism for organisations in Europe.”

    You seem to be misinformed. Also, provide proof that the NED is CIA, because that is quite a claim!

    That is however a claim promulgated by the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist State:

    The United States has long used democracy as a tool and a weapon to undermine democracy in the name of democracy, to incite division and confrontation, and to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs, causing catastrophic consequences.

    Link: https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/zxxx_662805/202205/t20220507_10683090.html