Prethoryn Overmind


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Elitism: the advocacy or existence of an elite as a dominating element in a system or society.

    What you just described is exactly how elitism works. I understand the hate for Facebook and all of Meta’s products. However, this is exactly how gate keeping starts. I don’t want to see the fediverse go anywhere more than the next person but it becomes contradicting and hypocritical to the entire establishment of the fediverse if Lemmy or other federated apps begin to decide who can and can’t be federated. That is the whole image right? To prevent gate keeping and to establish that not one person owns any one portion of Lemmy, Mastodon, etc. However, what happens when an entity on Lemmy does start deciding to defederate a Conglomerate starts making decisions just like Facebook? The does Lemmy not start fitting the bill of not being able to tolerate the intolerance as well? To me that becomes elitism the very thing Lemmy users swear is a perfect system.

    I don’t believe Meta is good for anyone or anything but Lemmy users need to understand that you can’t say, “we are different.” And then justifying the very contradiction of being exactly the same by just saying, “Facebook takes freedom.” I don’t like Facebook infact fuck them but either Lemmy users admit they need to play the game like Facebook and that someone controls who is a part of content and who isn’t or they don’t. Just stop trying to find ways that this would be “different” just fucking say, “we want to control the content that is on the platform and who can be a part of it.” Because now you are playing the Meta game on their own terf. Just tired of Lemmy users thinking they are special.

  • “(on Reddit (/comments/). yuck!)”

    Guys, we fucking get it. You hate mainstream apps like reddit but the solutions aren’t on Lemmy until someone finds them elsewhere like reddit.

    Do we really need to emphasize our hate for something every damn time we make a post. Thanks for the solution but why couldn’t you have just posted the solution.

    God I hate Lemmy, they want a bigger user base to stay away from content controlled by big corps and to move to federated content but will shove their ideals on the community every time and that is what keeps pushing people wanting to stay here away. We don’t need to hear about FOSS and Linux every time. And we get it. We hate reddit that is why the user base moved here.

    EDIT: God I love Lemmy.

  • Not an SO story.

    Not to you know brag or anything here guys but I did have 3 people fighting over me once.

    2 of them actively ended up sleeping together to try and get me to pick one of them.

    I chalk it up to, “pfft it’s because he uses Linux.”

    Kidding of course. In all honesty, I had gone through a very confusing breakup. At the time I was sleeping with three people. All of them knew about one another and they all knew I wasn’t looking for anything serious because of the previous breakup. I was also trying to finish school.

    All three people were really sweet and I still talk to two of the 3 and they are good people. We were all 4 going through a confusing time in our life. The one I don’t speak to now is married. I wish all of them well.

    Also, before you ask. (You won’t but I feel the need to clarify) I am genuinely meh on the attractive scale or so I am told. So I don’t know which black magic was at work but it was a fun and stressful time.

    I am reading half of these stories and just appreciating how all three of the people knew about each other and all ended up being chill with one another and me. You all are dealing with some crazy shit.