Free software junkie (i.e. speech not beer), keyboard jockey, Coonass libertarian, how bah dat baw? Laissez les bon temps rouler - mais’ wea

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’ve been a Gentoo user since 2004 or so and used to crosscompile binaries in like 2006 for all of my systems including some sparc and ppc builds on my main servers. It was glorious. I adore Gentoo for portage and the ability to dream up a set of OS decisions and then actually do it, dog food and all. I’ll probably never not have some form of a Gentoo system within reach but mostly for nostalgic reasons but VMs and containers now fill my needs.

  • I only really use the web version of it in Linux but I dumped OneNote for notion.

    I have some scripts that use their API to send notes from the command line to a db page and some nvim mappings that I’m trying to get to send my buffers to a page but that part is problematic still.

    I looked at obsidian but never really tried it out. I don’t like the limits notion has but it’s much faster for me to find my notes than OneNote. I have a metric fuckton of notes