German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • RQG@lemmy.worldtoTTRPGs@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMCDM RPG
    7 months ago

    I think a new system wants people to leave their current game which they love and play for the things their current system does well it. So it has to either offer something new it does, or something it does better than the alternatives. And because changing systems is usually not easy as you have to relearn lots of rules and also convince your group to do the same.

    So a new system doesn’t only have to offer something new and/or better. It as to be so much better that it makes the effort of changing systems worth it.

    And for my local groups it simply didn’t. I don’t think anyone thinks it’s bad. Just not good or different enough from what they tried to give it a go.

  • RQG@lemmy.worldtoTTRPGs@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMCDM RPG
    7 months ago

    I agree it absolutely isn’t a good comparison. But the main response when I brought told my friends and local players about how Matt Colville and his company are making an RPG, they said ‘another youtuber RPG? Well daggerheart was pretty meh, I hope this is better.’ or ‘We’ll if the crit role system didn’t stick I don’t know if this will.’ and similar answers. So I thought I’d bring it up preemptively. Matt Mercer also had a series of GM tips videos if I remember correctly. So maybe that’s where people draw the comparison? Idk.

  • RQG@lemmy.worldtoTTRPGs@lemmy.blahaj.zoneMCDM RPG
    7 months ago

    I’m excited to see where it’s going and I am certain it will be a great game for what it’s trying to accomplish. Actual proper heroic fantasy with cinematic gameplay. What will do the game well is the lack of baggage and tradition as well as the absolutely huge amount of testing from community but also in house testers. I like what they have shown so far and I am sure I’ll run it eventually.

    On top of that the development is open and the game will have an open license. I really hope there will be a large community for it once it’s done.

    I’ll check it out once it is finished and released. While I’m not interested in running sessions of a playtest version myself I will eventually get the books when it is fully out.

    What critical role has shown to me and at least around my local community, is that popular content creators putting out a game isn’t enough. The crit role game systems weren’t all that unique and well designed from what I have seen. They work but I’m not sure what they are trying to accomplish that hasn’t been done better. Therefore after initial interest nobody around here stuck with the systems at all. But I think the mcdm RPG will have a solid foundation and might actually stick around. It does something I haven’t seen much and does it better and more focused than I have seen so far.

    I’d be curious if anyone around here has played the playtest yet and got some insights?

  • Great history of dnd type ramble video which is also great advice for all the current edition change.

    I came into dnd end of advanced 2e and really got into it with 3e. I was there when half my friend group left for wow and the other half didn’t like 4e. I went to pf1 back then and to more other systems like shadow run, arkane Kodex, fading suns and the Dark Eye. I came back to dnd 5e late but before pf2e was announced. But I never truly dug 5e. It’s a perfectly fine system but I’m not passionate about it. Only recently with the OGL betrayal I jumped ship and went to pf2e which I absolutely love.

    It was fun to hear how Matt experienced this era. Changing editions and games isn’t all that bad or hard as some people make it out to be. At least from my experience.

    I also never understood edition warriors or even system warriors. Everyone should play what they like. Systems are different and some are better suited for certain groups or players than others. All I advocate for is people try a few different systems when they can. Often I find people to be surprised that they like other systems way better and that those rules can do things they never thought a TTRPG could do.