I’m on Eternity. But after using SpiderShoe’s tip I saw the image in the web browser. Looking good. Nice color!
I for one tried it and it didn’t work. Any chance you have an alternate link? I’m now curious and fully invested in your hibiscus experiment.
Aye, looking good. Be sure to update when it’s done too.
Woah, nice writeup! I’ll be honest, every time I ever made mead I just winged it. Like… Is it still bubbling? Not done, wait for it. Not bubbling? See if it’s still sweet. Yes? More (stronger) yeast. Repeat until satisfied. Might do some readings next time, pretend I know what I’m doing 😅
Had a small stainless steel fermenter. No issues with flavor and cleaning is at least as easy as plastic. Bonus points, you can use hot water without wondering what that does to it. Cleaning tip: don’t use anything that’ll scrub that pretty shiny steel surface. Many cleaning sponges say they scratch-free. I found that to be a lie. If it has a rough side, keep it away from the steel.
Been a while since I last made mead. I need to find me a good source for some honey and fix this. Best I ever managed to make was a blackberry mead, a good while back. Used a whole lot of foraged berries, real flavory and unexpectedly sweet. After the yeast finished fermenting it was still full of sugary goodness so I added champagne yeast and fermented some more. Don’t recall the abv I managed to get on it, and being the neanderthal that I am I didn’t write it down.
Trying to imagine it. If it’s too hot it might overpower every other flavor so I’d probably try to balance it out with something and maybe try to keep it from getting too dry. But that’s just me. Do give an update whenever this is done!
We could have a few threads that would act as a kind of guide (starting recipes, equipment, ingredient suppliers, whathaveyou) and these could be added in the sidebar I guess.
I think it’s 2. The face of “need coffee and why am I awake right now”.