beehaw account for

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • You make a decent point, but the disconnect between people paying for content and the money going to the people who contributed effort to it is getting wider and wider.

    Popular shows that people subscribed for get axed after 1 season or moved to another service. All the work people did for Warner Brothers’ Batgirl gets thrown in the trash so that WB can get a tax write-off, before any movie watcher can even give a cent to them in support.

    The point is big studios make so much year after year that pirating their stuff doesn’t make a dent in whether the people they hire get paid accordingly.

  • Many scene groups actually purchased the games and cracked them, I’ve read NFOs that say “buy the game, we did too”.

    People recording in movie theatres have to either sneak into the theatre or buy a ticket themselves.

    Someone scanning a book to post online had to have bought it or borrowed it.

    Yes some games are cracks of illegitimate obtained leaked copies or other unscrupulous methods.

    I have played pirated games in the past but my Steam library has thousands of dollars worth of games I bought, many of which I wouldn’t have if I weren’t interested in these type of games to begin had pirating games not been possible.

    Sure, the opportunity cost from piracy’s “lost sales” to the publisher/licensor is non-zero. But how many sales that would have happened varies greatly on the perceived value vs. price of the product, and how available it is. If it’s not in stores anymore and can only be bought from scalpers on eBay, the publisher cough Nintendo cough doesn’t see that money anyway vs. pirating it.

  • Official Blizzard, idk if you’ve played just the original basegame or the Brood War expansion. There is Starcraft Remastered, which has updated graphics and usability improvements but doesn’t add much other than that over the original.

    An open source Brood War engine seems to exist but development appears to have stalled.

    For SC2 the coop missions and the custom games are imo the most fun to be had in that game.

    In terms of RTS genre, BAR is an epic scale free and open source RTS that feels like a distant cousin, but doesn’t have the deep lore that Starcraft has yet.

    I’d also recently caught word from a fellow Lemming about a new game in development called Stormgate, worked on by some ex-SC/WC devs under a new studio. Gameplay has a very similar look to the former two.

  • You’re absolutely right. The idea to “have to go through HR process” when a favourite successor was already named is so annoying for both the group trying to retain the person and outside candidates. It would be better if they could at least be up-front about having a favourite candidate already.

    The other annoying thing is requisition postings staying up after the position was already filled. I had to find out through someone I knew at the company that that was the case in one instance.

    Once or twice, in a paragraph where I changed the formatting to get as many lines as I wanted to overlap on a single line and white text, I decided to put “If put in the role of [role] I am hopeful to learn to…” Then I paraphrased every job duty and qualification into that single line. That got me a screening call for a position I was still 3 to 5 years from being qualified for.

  • He’s been in the same role for 10 years and unwilling to “lie” to get a promotion or a new role, so that is where we are. This 30% of honest employees is probably not getting the best jobs.

    Exactly, and when you hear stuff like some HR people ‘not accepting career gaps for any reason’, it’s cause for some people to make up some BS about it to get around that. I’m not very good at lying, but what recruiters want are stories, and thus I can justify “white lies”, omissions, minor embellishments to give them what they want and play their game. Don’t lose your integrity, but honesty is not the best policy in the job hunt until you have a contract. It took a year for me to figure that out.

    Over that time though recruiters at different companies were all over the place in terms of quality, when they did reach out. Some company’s processes are well-defined, transparent and their recruiters actively keep you up to date. Despite not ultimately being hired there, one company I was really impressed by their process, more than any other. Some HR teams you have to keep following up, they never give clear answers and drag you along for over more than a month without really telling you where things are at. That was more frustrating to me than no response or any rejection.

  • Hahahaha. Incoming rant.

    Lying is one thing, but if the whole “prettying up resumes, cover letters and conduct at interviews” is lying, then it’s the employers who are choosing the liars and make this process this way.

    Not to mention the posted job description and duties often either are very different, or the description doesn’t tell the full story, or is so generic and lacks substance.

    These things I did to get hired… are they lying?

    • Describe something I contributed as part of a team as my own success.
    • Change a job title of something to the effect of “Co-op Student” to something that more accurately described what I was doing.
    • Playing the “Tell me about a time when” scenario game, trying to recall something I did 4 years ago on the spot. Not every detail is perfect in my memory, and the interviewer expects a comprehensive demonstration of your skills in a tough situation, so I make sure the story fits in an easily digestible arc, and miss or fill in details to achieve that. Not like “everyone clapped and my boss hugged me” but stuff that my former boss would say “seems legit” if the company were to go as far as fact-check me on it.

    Candidates “lie” because truth filters you out of these stupid human resources systems. Rant over.

  • I won’t disagree with your stance, but I have just one question…

    In which currency are you getting $100 for the basegame? Canada it’s $70 (rounding up), but pre-release it was C$60, USD it’s $50, in NZD it’s $80. The deluxe version isn’t worth it at all, you basically get the Golden Gate Bridge and the promise of a few assets and a DLC over the next year… for double the price.