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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • RickRussell_CA@kbin.socialtoFediverse@lemmy.worldPower drunk mods
    6 months ago

    asking if they subscribe to other myth based beliefs, religions, etc

    What you actually said:

    Out of interest are you religious or subject to some other form of mythical belief system? I ask because clearly you lack motivation for the truth, preferring hearsay and urban legend that I must assume supports a wider world view. by @Hackerman_uwu

    My thought: this kind of behaviour is one of things that made Reddit fucking awful and I’d hate to see it flourish here in the fediverse.

  • I don’t know if you mean Apple IIs, or the scene in the movie.

    If you want to learn how computers work, the Apple II was, and arguably still is, a great platform. 8-bit programming is still fairly comprehensible to the novice, and the MIPS assembly language that is used in academic textbooks draws a direct lineage from the Motorola 6502 instruction set.

    I learned basic 6502 programming on my Commodore 64 in the 80s, and I was shocked when I took a computer engineering course in 2010 that used MIPS assembly for the examples. It wasn’t just easy to understand, it was the same in virtually every respect. I had no problem at all following the code.

  • I have back problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure

    As someone who waited way, way, way too long too lose weight, let me recommend that you review your situation with a doctor.

    I’ve lost significant weight in my 50s and it’s completely turned my health around. Cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, almost every indicator was dangerously of whack. I was on a boatload of medications, it was doing jack squat.

    Now I get tested and everything is where it’s supposed to be. I’m down to small maintenance doses for blood pressure and triglycerides, and I’m off the diabetes medical entirely.

    I don’t know if weight it a problem for you, but if it is: you can get it under control.

  • Part of it is looking back through rose-colored glasses. Sure, there was joy, but there was that time you stubbed your toe and you got so emotionally disregulated that you cried for an hour, or the time your parents put the wrong color socks on you and you screamed a bad word at them and refused to leave the house, or… etc.

    You learned to regulate your emotions. That’s mostly a good thing, but it also means that you learn to control yourself in the moment, and you don’t tend to lose yourself in joy like you did as a child.

    And that’s OK. I enjoy things differently now, than I did then. Back then, when I played with a toy car, it gave me great joy but if something broke, or things didn’t go my way, I also suffered uncontrollable anger and frustration. Today, when I take my TRX-4 trail truck out on the trails, I feel a different kind of joy that is mixed with intellectual understanding of the engineering of the machine, an appreciation of the beauty of the natural world that I didn’t have as a child, etc. And if something breaks, it’s not an emotional thing any more. I know I can fix it, I have the ability and the desire.

    Heck, it’s enjoyable to break things, take them apart, and fix them again. That certainly wasn’t true when I was 6.