… post historys are public, I think. You can read all the constructive stuff I’ve written. Nice to know I have a follower! :)
… post historys are public, I think. You can read all the constructive stuff I’ve written. Nice to know I have a follower! :)
Unfortunately Americans are convinced they can’t do anything about it, so they don’t.
I’m confused. Are we still talking about the USA threatening Canada, Panama, and Greenland? And your response is “other countries might do that someday”?
Ah yes, American Freedom, amiright? Freedom that exists as long as they don’t have to excercise it. Or excercise anything, really.
Do American schools still have History classes? Or is it all just Pledges of Allegiance to their Dear Leader now? If they did then you would know of “The Boston Tea Party”. It was what your ancestors did when the government of their time kept taxing them without giving them a fair, democratic vote. See also: “Electoral College”.
I have an idea, why not stop arguing with an internet stranger and go get involved in your political process? Think of it like “compound interest” - the sooner you get involved the bigger your impact! Alternatively, keep telling me how you are impotent to do anything while celebrating your July 4th freedom celebrations unironically.
I haven’t made any moral claim. I haven’t said anything about right or wrong. Is this a case of you getting your platitudes mixed up? So many for Americans to choose from, hard to keep them straight I imagine. Words are hard.
The original post was some FREEDOM loving American asking where their saviour was. I responded by saying (essentially) look in a mirror. The Americans then all jumped on me to assuage the guilt they feel because my point is an obvious one. Then they all did that thing where they point to someone else to blame rather than doing the relatively simple step of getting involved themselves.
So,it’s billionaires now is it? Wow. The level of delusion is remarkable. for liberals it’s billionaires, foreign governments, and rogue news stations. For conservatives it’s immigrants, liberals, and the Clintons. Its remarkable to see the manufacturing of consent demonstrated so clearly. See Noam Chomosky’s book of that title for context - though I don;t expect anyone reading this will. low effort posts are easier.
Ahhh, yes. An honest mistake to make I suppose. Keep in mind, as this is print media tone is often lost. To help you out: I’ve been told I have the patience and persistence of a Norm MacDonald, the charming sarcastic undercut of a Seth Rogen, and the positive, contagious smile and beauty of a Rachel McAdams. I blushed at the comparisons, honestly. Surprisingly they are all Canadian as well.
Otherwise by mindful that someone can be both a douchebag, while also being right. I’d draw a Venn diagram for you, but as I expect you were “educated” in America I think it would just add to the confusion.
Clueless? Arevyou denying that the American president is threatening Canada? And let’s be honest, it’s more likely he is a Russian agent than I am.
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When European leaders start threatening my country I will do that. Until then this sounds like fictional whataboutism.
But I’m open to suggestions. Are their “missions” to save Amer8cans from themselves? Maybe some sad commercials showing masses of dumbfuck Americans all pointing blamesticks at each other like a spiderman meme, asking for donations?
No thanks. I’m done sugar-coating it for Americans. They are all too good at doing that for themselves.
This is a really flimsy talking point I’m so sick of.
We refer to you as Americans because that’s what you told us to call you. We are judging the actions and system of government you set up, and are paying for… Are you somehow now suggesting that unless there is 100% internal consensus you are unresponsible for the actions of the government your money pays? Your internal politics are your god-damn problem. I could not care about how you internally identify.
Reality check: The man you all tolds us is in charge of your country now is threatening me and my family now on the international stage.
So own it. You are literally paying your money to keep it going. It is yours. You built it, you are funding it… For decades we’ve listened to you go on and on (and fucking on) about your freedoms. Good. Now is the time to prove you are both brave and free. Stop posting on Lemmy and go get in contact with people doing the actual, real work of defending your country. Stop coming here and defending yourself from me ffs. I’m just your pissed off neighbour. It doesn’t matter what I think. Go do something useful ffs.
As it stands, it seems that Trump represents you feckless cowards perfectly.
It’s funny to think that any of these comments are relevant. Are you new to the internet maybe?. The best I can do is hope to influence. The best an American can do is contact people already working to correct this and ask them what needs doing. This leads me to wonder how all the Americans are posting in this thread, being that they are all so exhausted. Why not go to sleep? Then wake up later and get in touch and involved.
It’s almost like Americans are here trying to convince themselves there is nothing they can do.
How brave of you. What a testament to your freedoms. What a fine demonstration of what it truly means to be American: A blame shifting, feckless inheritor of a once great country. All hype. No substance, apart from the folds of blubber around their mid sections. What a legacy. All your talk of freedom backed by nothing. FREEDOM!
a) “Not my fault” should be tattooed on the forehead of every American at birth. In this they’re current president represents them perfectly.
b) Lazy, true. I didn’t put in foot notes or provide links. However, a clearer example of laziness would be responding to an internet post to complain about how offended I feel instead of starting up a browser and find out what who locally is already doing something, and what still needs doing.
c) If my little post offended you then you are not going to believe what the leader of your country has been saying about my country! He is threatening our soverignty even! So you will excuse me if my response to your offense is this: …|…
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I apologize to American readers that I was not able to summarize my response into a witty, 30-second sound clip. I see these assumptions made in your response:
a) the only thing you can do is protest. b) you will have to protest during your work schedule. c) all employers will fire you for job abandonment if you protest. d) no employers are equally concerned with the downward spiral that is your country. e) even with the mass job loses due to job-abandoning protesters you will not be able to easily find another job. f) no one is doing anything already you can help with. g)your job/health coverage will be fine as things escalate if you do do anything. h) no one in your position has found a way to contribute. i) no need to look at the situation or ask questions because you no you can do nothing. i) history shows that the safest bet for you and your country is to sit there and do nothing.
The reason Americans don’t have the ability to see through flimsy talking points is b/c your educational system is shit, tbh. We told you this too, every year. They are ranked. ie. we put them in numbered order from best (#1) to worst. Maybe you would have heard about it if you stopped yelling about how America is number #1 all the time. Spoilers: They aren’t number #1 in education. Clearly.
I don’t have the energy or patience to dismantle each possible excuse every American can come up to justify their inaction. They are #1 at that. So the simpler approach is from my initial response: find the people already doing something in your area and ask what you need to do. Do this instead of coming up with reasons not to do it. Do it as an act of faith in your country that you can do something. Do it as an act of freedom and bravery. Dare to do the impossible, like skipping your internet browsing time, to get in touch with people who are doing something. Read books about the sacrifices previous generations made for you to have the chance to sit and post on a non-censored platform like Lemmy. If internet posts can stopped facist governments the you can rely on us non-Americans to get the job done. Unlike us foreigners, you still have the best chance to turn this around.
Also, if you manage to waddle to meet up with some like minded individuals do post briefly here telling other Americans that it’s actually not impossible. They are an obstinate people living on the southern border of my country. And although I enjoy ridiculing their weaknesses I would prefer to celebrate their successes, as has been our tradition until very recently.
You did choose this through decades of inaction, apathy, laziness, fecklessness. The world kept telling you that something was wrong in your “democracy” and the canned response was, “Haha, not in America - land of the free, home of the brave!” Then one day, with your rights stripped away you all finally say, “Not my fault!” It was, it is, and it will be solely Americans fault. And the longer it takes you to own it and fix-your-shit the more costly it’s going to be. As always. Imagine how much easier it would have been had you just mass protested after Citizen’s United, for example.
No one is coming to save you. The people who have been standing up to fix it couldn’t motivate the rest of you to get off the couch. My suggestion is to stop parroting excuses like, “We are too exhausted to do it”, and do it. Look to history for examples on how, and for what real exhaustion looks like. The first steps are usually meeting with organizations already doing something and ask what you need to do.
“But I’ll lose my job!” If 50% of the country loses there job then there will be a lot of job opportunities. “But my family!” Ok, then sit there and let your fear keep you from action. Keep waiting for someone to save you. Watch how bad it gets as Americas military falls under the control of a facist regime. Watch as your educational system becomes even more of an indoctrination engine. I wonder which, if any, heinous act by your government finally motivates you enough. The kids-in-cages wasn’t enough, I wonder what could be? Possibly nothing.
“Home of the brave”. Fucking ha ha ha. “Land of the free”. Sure. I have no sympathy for people just waking up now. Where the fuck have you been?
Won’t happen. If Trump attempts this type of malpractice he will pay the price politically and legally. We are well protected from these mafia-like politicians who enrich themselves at our expen… Oh wait. nvm. Wrong timeline.
Spoken like a true American.
It sounds like you’ve completely exhausted all options. Anyone can see you have taken your civic duty to defend American FREEDOM seriously. No one has done any more than you have. History will record your deeds and future generations will say, “He voted, protested, and talked to his family. We owe him the FREEDOM we have today.” Statues will be erected. Schools will be renamed. You are remarkable. I’m honoured to be in the presence of such a great person.
Reading these “History Books” it seems that some of your ancestors did find a few more things they could do. I understand if you haven’t read “History Books” as they’ve probably been burned in your country. Sad.