the girltwink puppy pilled garfhead mod of the garfieldism comm which is currently the most active Garfield comm on Lemmy (incredibly low bar ngl)

Also a mod for egg_irl and LGBTQ+ (also on lemmy blahaj zone)

Big proponent for killing all cis men. token trotskyite.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • iirc from growing up in a church school and all the Bible study bits I did growing up, there’s a bit in the bible where jesus says that if someone tries to kidnap and enslave someone they should pay a fine to the parents in addition to the punishment they’d receive from the law which some people twist around into trying to imply that jesus was saying kidnapping and enslaving people is ok as long as you pay a fine to the parents.

  • Yeah, in British politics transphobia is very much a bipartisan position shared with only rare exceptions by the right, the left, the far right and the far left. Shit sucks fr.

    The BBC very notably has a very strong transphobic bias. For instance, on the day of Israel bombing the Iranian embassy I remember BBC radio 4 news spent more time talking about JK Rowling’s tweets about the new Scottish hate speech laws that banned discrimination against trans people and then interviewed a prominent Scottish TERF to give a puffpiece interview about her TERF org and how great JK Rowling is (notably they didn’t interview a single trans person) than they spent on the bombing of the embassy. Also a few days ago they gave a great deal of air time to the Cass Report which was basically made as a hitpiece trying to push for banning anyone under the age of 25 from transitioning (they then completely ignored all the criticism it received for it’s awful scientific method).

  • i’ve told you this like three months ago when you last did it but i’ll explain it again, i got a report on one of your comments, and i dismissed the comment without removing it. Ada, the instance admin, then undismissed the report because she felt i should do something about it so iirc i removed the comment and put in a temp ban, then you immediately spent the next week accusing random people of being sockpuppets of me, report spamming the comm, and replying to every single post i made, that’s when you earned a permanent ban on all of your accounts - the ban reason wasnt for transphobia, it was for being a weird internet freak over being banned from a comm you had literally never posted in before.