Sas [she/her]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • So what you’re saying is you’re scared of the supposed negative impacts on society. The negative impact being less people are depressed and less people kill themselves as they can openly be who they are without someone shoving their heteronormative worldview based on misinformation down their throats. Interesting stance to take

  • Thanks for the explanation. I don’t know if I’ll really change my habit though. It’s been ingrained into me over and over from a young age on that the “ass (donkey) always names themselves first” and it’s a bit uncomfy to do so now. I also mostly don’t feel bad about breaking that rule as it seems a bit arbitrary.

  • In this case, the first (early?) time it’s been done, it’s “mild”, but it’s a step in the wrong direction.

    It’s certainly not the first time, capcom did this. I remember them in DMC 4 and 5 and they were in DD1 as well but so inconsequential that everyone has forgotten. I think capcom just requires their devs to add them but the devs only do malicious compliance. I dislike capcom for it as it preys on uninformed people but like the devs for not making them actually required or designing the game around them.

    • work January, get paid 1000, pay 600 in bills and lay 400 aside for potential emergencies
    • work February, medical emergency comes up but medical bills now cost 10000 so you can’t afford them with the 400 you set aside and you also can’t work because of the emergency so you take 20000 debth to repay the medical cost and other bills
    • work March to repay your debth, but you only get 50 while still having a debth of 20000

  • Because trans people want to participate in the category of their gender and not be discriminated against and put in an extra category? When all data so far points to trans people not dominating their gender category in sports why would you separate them and forcibly out them? What would the category even look like? Trans men separate, trans woman separate, enbies separate depending on hormone configuration? Well now you got your medical tests back. It’s way easier to put them into the category of their gender where they can participate in a fair way. Most cases of the “evil trans women dominating x sport” is some kind of misinformation that even left leaning folks often fall for.

    Example of Lia Thomas who was supposedly low end of men’s category and then won in women’s category. In reality she was very damn high in the men’s category before hrt, then very low in the men’s category on hrt (this is the point the misinformation classifies as her best in men’s category), then won one match and placed average in a lot of others in the women’s category (the one win is the point the misinformation makes out to be the norm instead of all the losses and average placements).