“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”
“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”
Security is a big focus for gov usage, why not base off of Debian?
Bow before the machine spirit! Taste the fruit of its wisdom!
Wanted to try Hogwarts Legacy since it’s on a big discount, but found out by a review that the game has a disclaimer that it will sell your personal information. Fuck that!
Nah, you learn to take people’s comments in stride and stop being a pissy little bitch about it.
I’ve been using the same Arch/KDE box at work for the past 5 years. All default/stock. I have 1 system related issue every couple of months, usually a known issue i can quickly find the solution to. My “maintenance” routine is to update packages once per week. The less customization you do, the less obscure issues you will come across. Life is good.
I see no racism in the video posted?
Looks like someone wants to get off of Mr. Glucose’s wild ride!