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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I think I may not be presenting my position well, and thus am coming off as a right wing partisan hack of the sort that wants to defund the EPA. That’s not my position.

    A lot of people (mostly conservatives and big businesses) that complain about ‘red tape’ as a way of attacking various regulations. For example, people will say it’s impossible to build a power plant because of environmental red tape.
    A lot of that regulation is positive though. For example, even if the land is cheap, you can’t build a power plant next to a nature preserve because the pollution will kill all the birds. And I like that regulation. The power people will of course complain as will the mines that were going to sell the plant coal. In cases like this, IMHO, they can all fuck off.

    At the same time though, the ‘red tape’ that many businesses complain about does sometimes actually exist. That is, to do business you have to get endless streams of licenses, approvals, permits, etc for things where the bureaucracy and licensing process adds little or no value to either the industry or the population at large.
    From what I’ve read, this sort of thing exists a lot in Germany. I’ve talked to a few people who were starting a business in Europe and they specifically avoided a few countries for that reason.

  • First- understand that everyone goes through this, everybody has an answer for you, but the answer that worked for them may not work for you. There’s no right or wrong answer. A lot of people say ‘the way to get over someone is to get under someone’ personally I’ve never subscribed to that sort of thinking. It leads to unhealthy rebound relationships IMHO.

    The only thing that will really fix this is time. So there is no magic bullet. There are things you can do to help though or pass the time faster. The biggest one is find ways to not ruminate. Focus your attention on other things, ideally useful things. Take some time to improve yourself in fun ways. Hit the gym is an obvious one, but I generally recommend take up a hobby or learn an instrument or take a class. Basically learn some fun new skill and focus your attention on that. It serves as a distraction from your grief, but also a source of engagement and a little happiness.
    It WILL get better.

  • I agree with this 100%. That affects both the types of interactions, and the types of users.

    When Reddit really took off 12 or so years ago, it was primarily a forum for discussion. I loved it because there would be in-depth, respectful, quality discussions on almost every page. I spent hours debating science and politics and technology and relationships and other things of substance with other intelligent respectful open-minded people.

    For a few years now, Reddit has been trying to become a quick content scroll app- bombarding the user with page after page of memes and videos and low effort crap that only holds attention for 12 seconds but results in another page load and thus another ad impression. In ‘new reddit’ and the apps, there’s very little focus on discussion or comments. Just quick content to flip through.

    And that affects the discussions on Reddit (quality discussions are now the exception rather than the norm) and also the people who join and stay at the site. There’s a lot more animosity, assumption of bad faith, etc.

    But I also think that because Lemmy’s design DOESN’T push people into quick content, but IS focused on discussions, that trend can reverse. People who want quick content will quickly grow bored here and leave. And we can keep the discussions respectful and open-minded.

    I also think that the ‘welcome to lemmy’ posts should talk more about community and culture; what sort of interactions users should and shouldn’t expect here. That should include an explicit warning that if you’re going to start arguments and assume everyone else is an idiot, this probably isn’t for you, but if you want to have good respectful discussions this is your new home.

  • Absolutely I use ad block. Ublock origin, plus a couple other privacy related extensions, plus browser configured with most privacy settings turned up all the way.

    Most publishers seem to have no interest in giving me a good browsing experience, only in shoving as many ads as possible down my throat and violating my privacy as much as possible. So I have zero sympathy. I have sympathy for the smaller websites that then get locked as well, that wouldn’t otherwise have intrusive ads, but I am not going to subject myself to the larger ones just for their benefit.

    Without ad block I have found a lot of websites almost totally unusable, or significantly more time wasting. Reddit is of course a big one, new Reddit without ad block is a total clusterfuck. YouTube is also pretty bad.

    Thing is, I’m happy to pay. I’m looking forward to an era when I can do microtransactions in crypto to pay a website a couple pennies for content I like.

  • Remember this is a business issue for Reddit- by removing your content, you are making their database less valuable. You should assume the edit and delete system is actively hostile to this sort of activity.

    To that end, I don’t suggest deleting at all. Deleting a lot of comments is a big red flag. As is any kind of automated activity like doing one every 5 seconds.

    I would also suggest, if you want to devalue the database as quickly as possible, don’t bother doing all of your comments. Do the ones that are most popular. And don’t delete them, edit them. Whatever edits you put in should be coherent sentences so a spelling and grammar check would not flag them. And don’t do one every 5 seconds, do one every 5 minutes.

  • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.fmhy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDeleted
    1 year ago

    VPN endpoints would not necessarily have low IP reputation. A VPN provider that allows its users to spam the internet is probably not a good one anyway. And besides, that would not inhibit registration, it would just make users fill out a form to apply so the server operator would have to go through and approve it.

  • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.fmhy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDeleted
    1 year ago

    Doesn’t have to be a crypto miner. Just has to be any sort of computationally intense task. I think the ideal would be some sort of JavaScript that integrates that along with the captcha. For example, have some sort of computationally difficult math problem where the server already knows the answer, and the answer is then fed into a simple video game engine to procedurally generate a ‘level’. The keyboard and mouse input of the player would then be fed directly back to the server in real time, which could decide if it’s actually seeing a human playing the correct level.

  • SirEDCaLot@lemmy.fmhy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDeleted
    1 year ago

    I’d do a few things.

    First, make signing up computationally expensive. Some javascript that would have to run client side, like a crypto miner or something, and deliver proof to the server that some significant amount of CPU power was used.

    Second, some type of CAPTCHA. ReCaptcha with the settings turned up a bit is a good way to go.

    Third, IP address reputation checks. Check IP addresses for known spam servers, it’s the same thing email servers do. There’s realtime blacklists you can query against. If the client IP is on them, don’t allow registration but only allow application to register.

  • This has been promised for literally years. But it shows how out of touch they are- they think people are closing their subs and leaving over mod tools and if they make the shitty ad infested non accessible official reddit app have mod tools everyone will be happy.

    People aren’t leaving because of fucking mod tools. People are leaving because of lack of respect. People are leaving because Reddit said the quiet part out loud- that we are only there to provide them content and ad impressions and what we actually want doesn’t matter one bit to them. That thousands or millions of users expressing anger is “noise” to be ignored.

    Tell your users their strong opinions are ‘noise’ and those users will go be noisy elsewhere.

  • Agree 100% on the critical mass. Last week I would visit a day later and sort by new, and there’d be maybe a page of stuff since my last visit. Now I am back to sorting by top day, because going through new would take hours.

    I think it’s not just more users that are here, but that the users who are here are invested now. It’s no longer just a fun toy to hack around with, it’s potentially a new home so we are starting to decorate :-)

    We’re not going to get the same numbers as Reddit, and that’s a good thing. I don’t want already users to leave. I want the smart ones to leave and come here. The ones who have something to say, the ones who can engage in discussion and debate, the type of people who made up reddit’s early user base. The idiots who just want to scroll memes and TikTok style low effort videos all day and can’t have a respectful conversation to save their own life, Reddit can have them. They install apps without question and don’t use ad blockers so maybe Reddit can make some money of them. Best of luck with it.