They were far too springey to be made out of wood, which was what I initially thought.
They were far too springey to be made out of wood, which was what I initially thought.
That’s a button? Do they just not have UX designers at Tesla?
Arguments mate, or you are just wasting our time.
So far you’ve only voiced your transphobic opinion, that’s not how a good dialog is started.
Arguing with you is a waste of time.
Hey, fuck you for calling adults stupid. Some of us have been stupid the whole time! Edit: /s
It’s unclear what the fuck it’s about: a shitpost.
Don’t know why Lemmy Shitpost is all politics now. It kinda ruins what I came here for.
I figured out my new Ubiquity firewall can block Amazon and Amazon video with a few clicks. Added bonus that the tv was sending GBs of data that way, without us using the app.
Yep, they have the same feature.
Lemmy.world is hosted in the Netherlands, if I’m not mistaken.
Feel the \ᑎ/ inside you 😏
Or vpn hopping, works too.
Whilst municipalities often (according to the article) use Microsoft services, a significant number of government agencies are using private clouds.
There are government operated datacenters that store the personal information, that are out of reach from US (or other fascist governments’) prying eyes.
Maybe they’re using xdg-dirs? That might work, won’t it?