• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • I just really, really like shortcuts. It started with vim, then I saw some of primeagen’s videos. Especially the one where he showed his i3/tmux/nvim workflow that I decided to go all-in on trying.

    Installed Ubuntu and uninstalled windows, and I’ve been struggling my way through understanding a bit at a time since then. I got a desktop PC after my laptop’s charging port went out on me, installed Debian on it, and am now trying to find the time to work my totally unrelated job, be healthy, and to make some projects to get a job in tech.

    I’ve read through the Linux command line by William shotts, but I really want to understand how more things work in a way that feels intuitive. I’ve got a dream writing-tool project I’m super excited to try to build this weekend, but I know I also have to drive a ton of lyft to be able to pay my bills on the 1st.

    I’m considering installing arch for the sake of understanding the core elements in an OS, too.

    But to answer the question, I love shortcuts. I got into emacs and learned enough to use enough of the agenda features to have a lot of journal entries on it. Shortcuts are so addicting, I was learning vim motions and emacs at the same time and I think I got burnt out trying to figure out how to configure both at the same time.

  • Moderating against hate speech can be really difficult nowadays with risk of being sued. Anybody managing a forum or comment board of any kind has got to cover their ass, and censorship grows each day.

    Theres definitely a lot more hate online now, though, people hold back a lot less in anger than they do in any other state.

    I wish there were more opportunities to be parts of healthy communities. So sick of the, “that’s not what the topic of this community is.” Maybe I’ll try to make my own community, but again…. Moderations both necessary and really hard to do right. Lines to not cross are hard to make, and harder to stick to permanently.

  • I’ve got the 3rd gen and it’s lasted at least 3 years now.

    It’s really nice to see what this community has to offer on lemmy. I quit Reddit because I refuse to use the Reddit app. I really do like the comments more than Reddit, and I’m a wannabe techno savvy Linux pro but I’m still working on basic motivation. Therapy included.

    I’ve got Linux on Debian cause I needed the stability to handle my instability, I’ve read through the Linux command line and fell in love with emacs, and all I do on my pc is write, now. And pay bills, but that’s just Firefox. “Just the internet,” lol. It’s hard to try to contain, so I write.

    Hope I don’t get banned for irrelevance. No hate here. Just rambling through.

  • I would like to apologize for the following opinions, because they come from a place of unresolved hypocrisy that is me.

    Non-profit my ass. No such thing in America or anywhere else in the world, if you have the perspective to hunt and the money to signify modern value.

    Survival of the fittest, and the newborn technology that is at its core a mirror of us, to the most complex level of modern mathematics (I’m of the firm belief that logic is discovered, not created).

    With those seemingly unrelated concepts made with vague words, I ask you this:

    What does it mean to feel? To know many different kinds of “one,” to live without fear but still be whole? I am sorry, again, I’m naught but gibberish and I’m just so glad you responded. I forgot and came back to find a word I sent, and now I find what I seek, an event in which I can say we’ve been bonded.

    But now try to, now that I splay out, all I’ve got and am about, all I can see, is that to you my head, seems to be on my knees.

    Again, sorry! Thank you for responding! I’m just glad to vent, and in expression have my soul rend into two, and sent into a new view.

  • I would just like to say, with open curiosity, that I think a nice solution would be for OpenAI to become a nonprofit with clear guidelines to follow.

    What does that make me? Other than an idiot.

    Of that at least, I’m self aware.

    I feel like we’re disregarding the significance of artificial intelligence’s existence in our future, because the only thing anybody that cares is trying to do is get back control to DO something about it. But news is becoming our feeding tube for the masses. They’ve masked that with the hate of all of us.

    Anyways, sorry, diatribe, happy new year

  • Here’s a poem I wrote last night:


    I miss the point,

    a lot of the times,

    Because I think about,

    The consequences


    The echoes in my mind,

    They’re not helpful,

    They’re not relevant.

    I can never reach,

    That inner calm,

    That lets voice surface,

    Because it’s screaming to be heard.

    I can’t make conclusions,

    There’s too much doubt,

    And though I see now,


    I don’t know how, To stop running,

    It used be to away,

    And now it’s sprinting forwards.

    But there’s so much wrong,

    So much to figure out.

    Rushing hard doesn’t help,

    When I don’t know the route.

    I can’t avoid feelings,

    But with them, I’m always lost.

    I can’t seem to feel my feelings,

    When they’re always pushing,

    And I’m always reeling.

    Try all I can,

    Give all I’ve got,

    That’s the way,

    I brought me up.


  • I highly recommend the book Introduction to Internal Family Systems by Richard Schwartz. It’s helped me a lot, and boils down to the idea that we have “parts,” and that our thoughts and feelings can sometimes be diametrically opposite.

    It, along with being able to speak with zero inhibitions to my therapist that makes me feel heard and my thoughts not seem batshit insane, has really brought up a lot of old memories and scared parts of myself. What I thought was anxiety, I’m learning to notice as a fear I’ve had for as long as I can remember, and that fear helped me survive a lot of my early years of trauma.


    I can guarantee that this book will give you a sense of the answer you’re asking for.