That only happen after violences and war in which team Trump loose badly. Don’t be complacent with the illusion of rules of law if you don’t fight for your liberty you won’t keep it.
That only happen after violences and war in which team Trump loose badly. Don’t be complacent with the illusion of rules of law if you don’t fight for your liberty you won’t keep it.
I guess that me being active here on Lemmy means i can’t go to the US for the foreseeable future. Oh well…
Not only immune to global trade : big s/p 500 companies might benefit from the chaos to consolidate at the expense of smaller companies that can’t adjust production across boarder or be effective at lobbying exemptions.
Then come inflation expectations with another layer of pushing stock, especially big cap indexes higher.
I won’t be the one to indulge in vandalism but i do want the company to fold… higher price of ownership is part of the decision process for prospective buyers… let’s just say i won’t judge those that do choose the dark side!
That’s perfect : we keep our dairy and they keep theirs.
There isn’t infrastructure on the Russian/North side, almost no people there. The people and valuable stuff is all within 100 km of the US border.
What if i think «guillotine » is the most beautiful word of 2025? I know some would argue Luigi should be first here, but i stand by my conviction.
This Alberta visit… it gives me the same feeling i got before Zelensky’s recent visit to the white house. Too good of a showmanship moment not to stir drama. Anybody else sharing my concerns?
I wish i could upvote you more than once!
Did i dreamed or did at some point he mentioned Hunter Biden’s d!*k? You wouldn’t believe a movie with such a plot.
The guy as a reputation for having the hardest balls one can carry, of course he wasn’t going to surrender like that.
That doesn’t stop any toddler from saying they are disrespected at home… Are you saying he wants the numerous tariffs negotiations to fail?!?
I tend to agree with you 100%, yet the stock market hasn’t reacted. 🤷♂️
Macron fact checked Trump in public, a retaliation was expected. Honestly i am surprised it took that long.
If you want a reference there is a Rational Reminder Podcast (nerdy and factual personal finance podcast from a Canadian team) about this concept. It was the illustrated with trains or phone infrastructure 100 years ago : new technology looks nice -> people invest stupid amounts in a variety of projects-> some crash bring back stock valuations to reasonable level and at that point the technology is adopted and its infrastructure got subsidized by those who lost money on the stock market hot thing. Then a new hot thing emerge. The Internet got its cycle in 2000, maybe AI is the next one. Usually every few decade the top 10 in the s/p 500 changes.
Let me dream a bit :
The US, out of fear of not having manufacturing capacity within their border in the event of a potential war, alienate most other advanced economies with tariffs… Taiwan get tariffed on its chip and the result is Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan… all buying Taiwanese technology to build their own answer against big US technology corp.
Didn’t Trump just told everyone where to retaliate against his tariff for maximum pain in the US and on his priorities?
Those digital service taxes need to grow way higher!
Don’t they (US) stand to loose more if digital service taxes get really implemented? The current version is quite small and symbolic. Other countries introduced this on a small scale but would all benefit from building their own digital service ecosystem shielded from the US competition: it didn’t happen at scale not to break overall business with the US but if the business is breaking anyway…
10 % isn’t based on anything but let’s imagine: 2-4 % military 1 % communication infrastructure, media and unbiased information 2-4 % healthcare 2-4 % food. You quickly get to 10%. Too big and you loose the benefit of free trade.
Free trade is the best system for 90 % of an economy. I will take a dump on Trump any day, maybe twice , but having a small capacity to build your own silicon chip is mandatory in case of a military conflict. Covid wasn’t a planned military conflict and first world economies couldn’t produce mask, gown… and luckily the virus wasn’t so deadly and only a small % of the population died.
I am Canadian… by any free trade perspective it looks like we should buy our milk from countries with less harsh winter… but then we would be on our knee if an idiot decide to bully us with a duty tax.
There should be free trade for 90 % of a country gdp and elected officials can change their list of excluded 10 % every few years.
Boeing can’t compete in the civilian business and is too big to fail : solution is to give them subsidies in the form of military contact.