Just a rabbit who enjoys AI art, veganism, knitting and some other stuff. I’d like to join Starfleet one day.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I watched it yesterday and had a similar reaction. There’s really good animation and the story was really good to get more depth for hey character. There were also some interesting call backs. Spoilers below!

    Samson still had his powers so we got to see those in action. Also the green phasing person was a man, in the invincible series it’s a woman so I wonder what happened there? The people in tubes reminded me of robot too, I wonder if we’re going to get more of the others origin stories as well? Monster girl would be cool to see how she got cursed like that

  • I’m fuming about this fainting condition I have. Passed out in the loo last night and went face first into some drawers. Cut my cheek open really deeply, nearly all the way through, and need a specialist to stitch my face back together. Been waiting 8 hours in A&E and a bit more time to wait.

    Not the NHS fault, they’re doing great with thy funding they have and also the senior doctors strike happening today.

  • The current status is that he’s really active on lemmy still and will sometimes pop in on these type of posts and answer your questions.

    He did do a follow up about how to take a poop when you haven’t for three days lol. So he clearly had trouble getting started again but I think he’s well now.

  • I think lemmy is too small at the moment to downvote in the same way people did on reddit. It’s still growing and we need people to post content to build the site and everyone’s engagement, downvotes for just disagreeing are going to discourage a whole new group of people who didn’t post on reddit because of getting drowned out in the noise. Look in all the question posts about how people are enjoying lemmy and you’ll see a bunch of them.

    I’ve just been moving on and ignoring things I disagree with, no upvote is enough punishment in my eyes. Saying that I’ve been giving out upvotes to most things to encourage people to post and comment more. If something is clearly gross and offensive it’ll get a downvote and possibly a report, but that’s so rare in the communities I’m going to. If it’s a really off topic comment or whatever then yes it’s downvoted because it doesn’t belong.

    If there’s something I really, really disagree with but don’t want to get into a conversation about it I’ll just block the user. That way I don’t have to see or deal with their opinions I disagree with anymore and can just move on with my life.

    I guess that’s a really, really long winded way of agreeing with you lol. I’ve been a lot more liberal with the upvotes and have really changed my downvote behaviour too.

  • Just to add on to this as the mod of a young community.

    Mods can still see posts (and also comments I think) when you delete them on the communities they mod. Same with removed posts. So it’s not just admins that can still see things once they’re gone from most peoples view.

  • My in universe reasoning is that he doesn’t shift less, he just does it privately. I don’t think he likes to remind people how different he is and he wants to distance himself from the founders who are known for taking different shapes.

    My memory isn’t perfect but I think after visiting his people he gets a room for the first time, fills it with things to mimic and stops sleeping in a bucket. He has later episodes where he gushes to Lwaxana Troi about taking the different shapes and how fun it is so he’s definitely shifting. After he gets his abilities back and starts his relationship with Kira we see him have that crazy sex scene in Chimera, so that’s happening off screen a lot.

    Also in the episode Chimera he explains to Laas, the other changeling, about humanoids fear of their shape-shifting abilities. It seems like he’s keenly aware how different he is and takes steps to cover it up.

    Saying that he is still obsessed with the Great Link and yearns to go back so I can see him practicing his abilities in private to keep them up to par for his return. A wish he can’t say out loud because of the whole ‘evil empire at war with their way of life’ thing.