
Evil tankie and Stalin’s little spoon

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Tariffs raise the price of affected goods allowing local suppliers to grow their business and fill the gap. A lot of countries looking to industrialize will institute tariffs to protect their industry so it can grow enough to compete with foreign companies. In our case it’s putting the cart before the horse; our domestic industries are currently unable to supply domestic needs (remember the “logistics” issue at the beginning of COVID?) and several of these goods require specialist knowledge to produce, so it’s not like we can just open a couple factories. Which is the other thing- companies might not invest in new factories as these tariffs could go away tomorrow and it takes time for factories to be built and then to even start producing goods. If the tariffs goes away before anything new is ready they will just shut down.

  • It is also a fair note. That neither Palestine or Israel has any real claim. The state that owned the land. The otterman empire. No longer existed when the land was allocated.

    What the actual fuck are you talking about. Like seriously, what does it matter that the ottoman empire ruled the land, the Palestinians (including a number of orthodox Jews) lived there. That’s their fucking claim to it

    And while the UK allocation of peoples homes was crappy. The fact that the Palestinian peoples leaders refuse to accept any compromise that allows the existence of Israel. Is also the reason the current mess exists.

    Do you want to interrogate this further, why was it crappy, could it be because the UK had a vested interest in creating a colonial project? And why should the Palestinians compromise, colonizers are coming in, removing them from their homes and killing them indescriminately. How can you even compromise with Israel when they continue to illegally steal land on the west bank and golan heights (and of they had their way Sinai too)

    All sides are pretty fucked up here.

    Go fuck yourself