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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Facebook/Instagram (Meta) is one I am not sure how to get a read on. They are branching out a lot, but I have no idea what they’re doing to remain profitable. It seems like they’re in “Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” mode, hoping that they find a new niche before their sizable warchest from the 2010’s runs dry.

    They severely downsized once this year already and I have a feeling that won’t be the end of the story. Wouldn’t surprise me if they sell off/shut down Oculus in the near future.

    Tiktok, meanwhile…well it’s already undergoing enshittification (it is the subject of that original essay) and old people are starting to use it, so I feel like it’s only a matter of time before it’s no longer cool with kids and they lose a sizable chunk of their revenue stream and content.

  • The pandemic caused serious financial burden to the average American, and the only reason why it wasn’t significantly worse for millions of people is because the federal government paused interest and repayment deadlines for federal student loans.

    Loan forgiveness is another method of providing relief for people whose economic means took a hit as a result of the pandemic, and is something a lot of people were counting on the day it was announced. If this is unconstitutional, then so were paycheck protection program (PPP) loans that were forgiven by the Fed due to the pandemic as well. The only difference between the two is that the GOP likes big business owners who benefitted from PPP loans (and several GOP politicians and their families took out millions in PPP loans that were forgiven) and they don’t give a shit about college students who aren’t likely to vote red.

    This is just another way the conservatives are “sticking it to the libs”, so they have something to brag about during next year’s election.

  • Just to add onto this good answer, you are really only expected to tip for sit-down restaurants with service and bars.

    For takeout, cafes, fast food, etc., you don’t need to tip. A lot of places these have payment machines that just ask if you want to tip by default. You can safely hit “No tip” on these if you don’t want to.

    Ostensibly it’s just to replace the tip jar for those who don’t use cash, but the prompt appearing every time you pay by card has convinced a lot of people that tipping is what you’re supposed to do in those situations, when in reality you have no obligation to.

  • Probably close to 20 years ago at this point, when visiting the official forums for a game I loved, my computer was infected by malware delivered by a malicious ad. This was not some seedy part of the internet, but a website hosted by a major game publisher whose product I enjoyed.

    Try as I might, I could not revert the damage caused by the virus, so the only recourse I had was to just blank slate wipe it clean and start over.

    Today, I acknowledge that most websites more tightly control the ads they host, but the trust is forever broken. As soon as the option became available to me, I installed the best adblocker I could find and never looked back. No exceptions.

    The truth is that every ad is malicious, to small degrees. They want to commodify your eyeballs and take up space in your mind. They’re trying to create a need where one does not exist, and will use whatever tactic they can to try to part you from your hard-earned money. They’re a barrier between you and the content you want to enjoy—in many cases content that you paid to enjoy.

    Even if it’s in the name of supporting a website/service I enjoy, I can’t confidently turn off my ad blocker anymore. It only takes one malicious ad to sneak through the cracks to cause disaster.

    There has got to be a better way of running an online business without having to completely fill the space with ads.

  • Ordinarily I would disagree, assuming that they must be privvy to data that no one else is and are making carefully calculated decisions.

    But with the way that Reddit leadership just continued to make misstep after misstep throughout this whole debacle, when all they had to do was just say/do nothing and wait for everything to blow over, I can only assume their corporate strategy right now is 100% improvised and not calculated.

    Almost all subreddits signed up for just a 2-day protests and were going to return to normal after that. It was only because of how Reddit/spez acted in the wake of all this that they’re experiencing the resistance they are now.

  • Baseless speculation here, but my gut tells me that Microsoft is going to put a remaster-focused studio to task on a current-gen Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim triple pack, a la the Master Chief Collection, to tide people over.

    Remastering Skyrim is the easy way out, but Oblivion is still trapped on the 360 (if you don’t have a PC) and Morrowind is the darling title of the franchise that people would love to see remastered (and was recently used as an example by Nvidia on “how to remaster a game”). Remaster the earlier two and then just shove the Xbox One copy of Skyrim Anniversary Edition in there for funsies is something people would get behind, more than just another port of Skyrim alone.

  • I’m assuming by that point, you wouldn’t have people driving anymore, it would all be automatic. Likely hooked into some sort of flight control system that would allow the vehicles to navigate around each other and avoid collisions.

    Plus, look at it this way. Accidents are common now because roads restrict cars into shared paths of travel, requiring drivers to successfully avoid colliding with other people moving very close to them. If you are able to fly, you’d be able to beeline from point A to point B, distributing vehicles across a much broader area of travel. Plus, the added vertical axis means you won’t even necessarily collide if your vehicle can just move up or down around potential midair obstacles.