• 7 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024


  • When I load the home page, I quickly understand that it’s a guide collection. But perhaps if I were in your family’s shoes, I might wonder why any of this matters. Why publish a site like this? Maybe the answer could become an expanded top section (five sentences?) with a hyperlink to a secondary page that gets into detail. Refer to (1) for some presentation ideas.

    Have you asked friends and family what frustrates them the most in their interaction with software and hardware? There are hundreds of potential tutorials you could include, but priority matters. I think you’re on the right track putting adblocking ahead of device rooting.

    The body font is an effort to read. Refer again to (1) to see what a difference a clear typeface can make. You’ve also got a legend to denote each guide’s platform relevance, which is good. Average Joe is probably also wondering what is achievable in an hour, versus what would take a weekend and some shopping.

    (1): https://ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/