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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Being overly concerned with ‘bloat’ is a waste of time.

    For python use venv.

    You can always ./configure && make skipping make install and run programs from that directory and just rm -rf the directory when you’re done.

    Containers also exist.

    For advanced users guix makes it very easy to try out new software in an isolated environment.

  • “Noooo! We must ban guns!”

    Citizens in blue states are rushing to limit their second amendment rights all while citizens in red states are busy expanding their own. Fascist militias are popping up all over the place, and while I’m optimistic and hopeful regarding the future there may come a time we’ll wish we had access to normal capacity magazines and non-nerfed rifles. Jon Stewart isn’t coming to your rescue when they have you on our knees in front of a ditch.

    Liberals need to start listening to what these people are saying, they’re very clearly telling us what kind of America they want to live in and what they’re willing to do to get there. Conservatives may often seem like a joke, but they’re dead fucking serious.

    If we somehow dodge this theofascist wave we’ve still got uber capitalists to deal with, and given the chance they’ll take everything we’ve got. If you’re healthy enough to shoot, educate and arm yourselves, it’s your civic responsibility.