A dilbert cartoon from the mid 90s. Long before Scott Adams revealed his complete asshattery.
A dilbert cartoon from the mid 90s. Long before Scott Adams revealed his complete asshattery.
That I live in a constitutional democratic republic
As an American, I endorse this message.
Yeah his videos are great
Cheer Justice Roberts stayed this order
It’s not the taste so much as the texture. The difference in a green bean casserole made with French cut green beans and whole, cut, green beans is night and day. And by that I mean only one is worth eating. The other is just mush.
“French cut” green beans make me irrationally angry.
He meant what he said.
As a 50something American, it has never been weirder. While I saw this building during most of my life, I didn’t think I would actually live to see Americans voting to get rid of democracy.
But here we are - no longer a functioning democratic republic.
Honestly surprised Trump didn’t call her “his DEI wife”
This is the “great” MAGA wants again.