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Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2025

  • I have one friend went to school for veterinary medicine and zoology. He’s now an endpoint engineer. I have another that went for his MBA and is now a butcher. I worked retail, never finished school, and now I’m a Desktop Support director.

    Pick what you’re interested in, pursue knowledge and growth over anything else. People mostly want hard workers who show they are able and willing to learn imo. A degree in anything shows that that.

    Obviously this doesn’t apply if you’re persuing something high level in a specific field. But if you’re lost as I am in this crazy world I think it’s a solid choice lol.

  • Great conversation, thank you for engaging with my points. It’d be a shame if all you did was post “gotcha’s”," then smugly smiled to yourself since you totally showed me.

    I find you annoying but I’ll be out there fighting for the both of us all the same. Since we will end up in the same camp.

    I genuinely mean this, you’re not prepared for what’s coming. Being a keyboard activist won’t be enough. I hope we can both make it out the other side. Good luck.

    Edit: Also I said I’ve been with two men. Only had sex with one. So, fuck off?

  • I mean yeah, that would get the same point across? The specific use of the word woman makes that sexist. So your example is disingenuous. At no time did op call Schumer gay.

    Leave out the woman part and it is the same joke, with the same implications, but no sexism. Much like there is no homophobia in the original joke. Understanding social norms and implications isn’t homophobic.

    I have every authority to tell you what I find discriminatory. You’re welcome to tell me you feel insulted by what I say, and if we were actually in the real world I would be sure to avoid such jokes around you (if we interacted on a consistent basis). But I’m my circle, this is a nothing burger.

    It’s like a Trump supporter would get offended when you make fun of Trump’s tiny hands. Should we do our best to avoid offendeding them? Or are there certain people it’s ok to offend?

    Maybe we avoid making the joke because it might offended people with tiny hands? The joke works because it bothers Trump, not because there is anything with tiny hands. But hey just because some people might get upset it’s not an ok joke to use.

    This is the Internet. This is a melting pot of different people. I’m not gonna tailor every joke and every response to your sensibilities, or anyone else’s. Grow up.

  • Brother, sister, or other in the current context it’s a clear joke to show who is the “Dominant” and who is the “submissive”. If you understand current social dynamics, youd know that. Now we can have a conversation on if that’s appropriate considering the view is shaped by human histories use of rape as a weapon, especially when subjecting others, but that’s getting so unnecessarily deep. I can just understand this is a joke using modern social dynamics.

    Also, I’m Bi. I’ve been with two guys throughout my years. Or do I get to have another conversation on how I’m not actually gay?